The below content is a list of 21 cuts from a November 2023 presentation by Julian Gillespie, LL.B., B.Juris, Barrister for Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics Int’l.
The full 2 hour 40 minute version can be found on Charles Kovess’s RUMBLE channel here -

I have left out the first 22 minutes of Julian covering the previous cases.
I recommend checking out Charles’s other Rumble content, as well as his TNT Radio Show segments here -
A quick intro for Julian:
Julian Gillespie is an experienced barrister, who has conducted some amazing legal work over the past few years, fighting for freedom, human rights, justice and proper application of law. He has fought to protect Australia’s children from being jabbed with the Covid injectables.
Between February and October 2023, Julian’s legal team, with the aid of Senator Gerard Rennick presented to the Australian Federal Police (AFP), and the Attorney-General of Australia, Mark Dreyfus, a Brief of Information & Evidence to show both Pfizer and Moderna continue to commit serious criminal offenses in Australia, for failing to first obtain GMO licences from the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) .. which may or may not have been granted
Julian’s legal team allege the same in the civil law Federal Court GMO proceedings against Pfizer and Moderna (still ongoing).
Cut 1 – After a review of previous cases, Julian shifts the conversation to the GMO court case and obtaining approval from the donors.

Australian government, Department of health, Office of Gene Technology Regulator, AstraZeneca Covid 19 vaccine -
Gene Technology Act 2000 -
Cut 2 - Julian provided A more detailed overview of the GMO case and who the applicant is

Julian Gillespie Substack, Australian criminal brief update -
Cut 3 - Overview of expert reports explaining and indicating the countermeasures are GMO’s. Response from Pfizer and Moderna challenging the Australian GMO case submission based on standing. The submission has been heard, awaiting ruling from judge.

Cut 4 – Here Julian introduces Dr Bhula from the Office of Gene Technology Regulator and her significance to the case.

Link to OGTR site, what we do -
Cut 5 – Julian discusses the lead up to Dr Bhula’s grilling by Gerard Rennick and her critical own goal admission.

mRNA jabs use genetic engineering, yet the TGA didn't consult with the Gene Tech Regulator 16.02.23 -
Pfizer confirms gene therapy & the Office of Gene Tech are still in denial - 26.10.23 -
Cut 6 – Julian outlines what the benefits of Dr Bhula’s admission could mean within a properly functioning legal system, and the catastrophic consequences it would have on the Crown.

Cut 7 – Julian discusses a presentation by Dr Julie Sladden on Spectator TV and the benefits of Dr Bhula’s admissions on the Civil Proceedings.

Here is the link to the well edited presentation
Cut 8 – Julian provides an overview of the corresponding Criminal Proceedings and that the heat is on the Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus to act as the ball is fairly in his court.

Cut 9 - Julian believes the Government is in Damage control and political crisis meetings are happening which could be delaying a response from Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.

Cut 10 – Julian provides an overview for the critical evidence of DNA contamination for the Civil case.

Cut 11 – Julian discusses the gaslighting of Australia’s Judiciary by those in power. He provides an overview of the GMO legislation for the UK and EU. He also mentions that he has provided Christine Anderson and Andrew Brigden with a free expert legal brief for them to run with and encourages them to act upon it.

The Canaries in the Human DNA Mine -
Cut 12 – Julian provides a brief overview of GMO legislation and definitions for Canada, the US and South Africa.

Cut 13 Q & A - Charles Kovess asks, do we have a captured Judiciary?

Cut 14 – Julian indicates that the Judiciary is possibly not captured but merely victims of the information and communication units within government which are linked to the WHO.

National Health Emergency Response Arrangements -
Emergency Response Plan for Communicable Diseases of National Significance (CD Plan) -
Questions about censorship following "How Twitter rigged the COVID debate" that need to be answered by the Australian Government. (South Australia in Focus)-
Cut 15 Q & A – Stephen Frost and Julian commentary regarding genomic integration and Genetic Disorders.

Cut 16 Q & A - Stephen Frost and Julian, getting the message out via media and social media. What are the known roadblocks?

Club Grubbery -
The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery -
The Vax-Gene Files: Have the Regulators Approved a Trojan Horse? -
What the shot?! Would Australians have consented if they knew the potential risks? -
Do Covid vaccines meet the definition of gene therapy? Serious questions are being asked of Australia’s Office of the Gene Technology Regulator -
Rowan Dean -
Episode 224 - Part 3 - Covid Refuted You Cannot Be Serious -
Cut 17 Q & A – Anna de Buisseret – the question of blood donations and transfusions affecting blood services and screening out unvaccinated blood. Challenging assertions about safety and the precautionary principle. Attacks via social media, the great work of @Jikkyleaks and calling out bad actors such as the #77Brigade.

Link to Anna de Buisseret’s tweet -
Cut 18 Q & A - Gerry Brady – discusses Professor Robert Langer’s 19th January YouTube video making staggering admissions regarding transfection.

The Presentation by Professor Robert Langer 19th January 2023 -- At 40:40, when asked about “Control of the 3D Fold” of the Spike Protein and the risk of ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement), he admits that (words to the effect) “I wish I knew more about protein folding after you get the vaccine into the cell” (!!)
Julian discusses astounding evidence of scientists as early as March 2020 recommended nasal injected prophylactic. - Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 (previously 2019-nCoV) infection by a highly potent pan-coronavirus fusion inhibitor targeting its spike protein that harbors a high capacity to mediate membrane fusion -
Cut 19 Q & A - Mark Steele and Julian discusse sample and testing roadblocks for the Countermeasures which may show evidence of the interconnectedness of biochemicals, nano-particulates, electromagnetic radiation fields, and 5G technology frequencies.

Cut 20 Q & A - Meike Terhorst mentions how GMO issues were flagged in the Netherlands. EU can override local state legislation in and emergency via the EMA, but there is still a requirement to address GMO issues.

Cut 21 - Closing commentary by Stephen Frost and Julian. Was there really a Pandemic?

Thank you for reading.
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I often think, what could I do with an extra 40 hours per week to fight back against tyranny? It would take 1200 people who valued my efforts enough to support me and allow me the opportunity to flick the full-time job which is paying the bills.
Regardless, whatever capacity I have, I will continue to fight on and push back on the people who seek to destroy our freedoms and liberties and rule over us like little gods.
I choose to faithfully follow the one God, and proclaim, “They will be done”.
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