Hello again interested readers.
The below email concerning the GMO court case is a follow up to an email (also further down) I sent to South Australia's Premier, Minister for Health and Wellbeing, and Chief Public Health Officer regarding DNA Contamination in the COVID countermeasures.
The original email was inspired by an email thread from Glenn Floyd and Steve Crothers concerning DNA Contamination and WHO powers. The contents of the email thread can be found here - https://southausinfocus.locals.com/post/4840583/holding-mark-butler-the-australian-minister-for-health-and-aged-care-further-accountable-regarding
If you believe my content is of benefit and you would like to support my efforts, you can do so here.
------- Forwarded Message -------
From: Mark Neugebauer
Date: On Tuesday, November 21st, 2023 at 3:32 PM
Subject: Australia's GMO Court Case Submission and South Australia's ongoing mandates
To: [email protected] , Health:Minister for Health , [email protected] , [email protected]
CC: Many doctors, politicians and media
South Australian concerned about the over reach of Government and unelected Globalists
CC: Many doctors, politicians and media

- Instigate an immediate investigation into the frightening Open Science Framework Researcher David J Speicher Canada findings and issuing an immediate withdrawal of these high-risk toxins if the findings are corroborated by testing of the products in Australia you are coercing.
- demand and provide from the responsible regulatory bureaucrats,the following specific details: A specific technical/quantitative/numerical Risks Verses Benefits report; and NOT a ‘Qualitative’ report, which does NOT address in any form the absolute weight of technical/quantitative/numerical lethal contaminants evidence revealed in the Open Science Framework Researcher David J Speicher Canada alarmingly high health-risks’ findings.
- Release all the lot numbers, DNA content and RNA integrity of the vaccines administered in Australia
- Did Australia issue GMP waivers? If so, to whom and for what?
- How many doses per lot were administered in Australia?
- Did Pfizer disclose the SV40 enhancer-promoter, the SV40 polyA or the HSV-TK polyA signal to the Australian regulatory agencies?
- To table the evidence of Mr Crothers to parliament
- To Oppose the nefarious WHO treaty
- To Inform the Australian people of the facts reported to him in Mr Crothers correspondence