Sent: Saturday, November 4, 2023 1:26 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: Rennick, Gerard (Senator) <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'David Martin' <[email protected]>; 'Shane Murdock' <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'anthony bartolo' <[email protected]>; 'Kirsty Duncan' <[email protected]>; 'Tina Cinque' <[email protected]>; 'Jordan and Doug' <[email protected]>; 'Charmaine Paras' <[email protected]>; 'charles' <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'David Weisinger' <[email protected]>; [email protected]; 'James Leocata' <[email protected]>; Jacqui Turnbull <[email protected]>; [email protected]; 'Jeryy Prus' <[email protected]>; 'Carmela Leone' <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Rodney Richards' <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; Nigel Kennett <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Jacquie Dundee Muller' <[email protected]>; 'Graham Hood' <[email protected]>; Graham Lyons <[email protected]>; Julian Gillespie <[email protected]>
Subject: OCTOBER 2023 EVIDENCE OF DEATHS/INJURY RISKS - DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory dose response.
TO: Mark Butler Australian Minister for Health and Aged Care
CC: Elspeth Kay Branch Head HPRG-TGA Pharmacovigilance Branch
Dear Minister Butler, et al, the Open Science Framework Researcher David J Speicher Canada has just revealed most disturbing life-threatening findings that dangerous levels up to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 products tested.
His findings reveal all products tested exceeded the guidelines for residual DNA set by the FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose by 509-fold; to a frightening 50,900% toxic risk.
Moreover, alarmingly, the Cq scores for the most recent XBB.1.5 Moderna vaccine suggest that DNA residues have not been reduced from previous vaccine versions.
These findings of dangerous life-threatening toxins in the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA products must meet requisite standards of quality, safety and efficacy and/or performance before approval and are higher risk therapeutic goods, which requires rigorous scientific evaluation of data submitted with expertise from several scientific fields.
Minister, prima facie, these Open Science Framework Researcher David J Speicher Canada findings under your existing personal Duty of Care obligations, automatically triggers a legal obligation for you and the TGA to initiate an IMMEDIATE post-market monitoring and enforcement of standards investigation on the risks now revealed.
It is damning upon ALL legislative and executive branch office holders that global all-cause mortality levels are massively exceeding five-year averages since the mRNA toxins were coerced upon all Australians in 2020; and that although these exponential increases of mortality are fully correlative to the mRNA injections; that you minister and the TGA has not initiated an in-depth investigation of these massive unexplained deaths, OR a potential causative relationship to the mRNA injections.
On behalf of all Australians minister, I request you to instigate an immediate investigation into the frightening Open Science Framework Researcher David J Speicher Canada findings and issuing an immediate withdrawal of these high-risk toxins if the findings are corroborated by testing of the products in Australia you are coercing.
I advise you that your offer to all Australians to participate in these experimental drugs-trials and fellow Australians’ tacit ‘CONDITIONAL’ acceptance of your offer by widespread take-up rates; establishes a legal enforceable contract under our Bills of Exchange Act 1909 (Clth.)- s5 (2); and the rules of common law, including the law merchant (Lex Mercatoria Doctrines), that binds you personally liable for deaths and injuries damages; whereby you personally MUST, under such contract obligations unequivocally prove no deaths/injuries risks whatsoever exist or have occurred.
On behalf of ALL Australians, minister Butler; we require your legal response withing five business days to our request for an immediate investigation and report on the Open Science Framework Researcher David J Speicher Canada alarming health-risks’ findings and your intended action on further experimental mRNA drugs coercion or its immediate suspension.
Kind regards
Glenn Floyd Founding Chief Executive Officer & Head of Treasury & Finance
A.S.I.C. ACN: 671 802 994 ABN: 22671802994
42 Main Street Maldon Vic 3643 Australia
T: +61 (0) 3 5475 1268 Mobile: +61 (0) 407 861 056
t: twitter
Sent: Saturday, November 4, 2023 5:52 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: Rennick, Gerard (Senator) <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'David Martin' <[email protected]>; 'Shane Murdock' <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'anthony bartolo' <[email protected]>; 'Kirsty Duncan' <[email protected]>; 'Tina Cinque' <[email protected]>; 'Jordan and Doug' <[email protected]>; 'Charmaine Paras' <[email protected]>; 'charles' <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'David Weisinger' <[email protected]>; [email protected]; 'James Leocata' <[email protected]>; Jacqui Turnbull <[email protected]>; [email protected]; 'Jeryy Prus' <[email protected]>; 'Carmela Leone' <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Rodney Richards' <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; Nigel Kennett <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Jacquie Dundee Muller' <[email protected]>; 'Graham Hood' <[email protected]>; Graham Lyons <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Julian Gillespie <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: OCTOBER 2023 EVIDENCE OF DEATHS/INJURY RISKS - DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory dose response.
TO: Mark Butler Australian Minister for Health and Aged Care
CC: Elspeth Kay Branch Head HPRG-TGA Pharmacovigilance Branch
Dear Minister Butler, et al with respect to our urgent call Sent: Saturday, November 4, 2023 1:26 PM for an immediate investigation and report on the Open Science Framework Researcher David J Speicher Canada alarming health-risks’ findings, the technical/quantitative/numerical results revealed, behove you (under your Oath of Office), and ministerially compel you, under legally enforceable contract definitions’ obligations under our Bills of Exchange Act 1909 (Clth.)- s5 (2); and the rules of common law, including the law merchant (Lex Mercatoria Doctrines) to demand and provide from the responsible regulatory bureaucrats, the following specific details:
- A specific technical/quantitative/numerical Risks Verses Benefits report; and NOT a ‘Qualitative’ report, which does NOT address in any form the absolute weight of technical/quantitative/numerical lethal contaminants evidence revealed in the Open Science Framework Researcher David J Speicher Canada alarmingly high health-risks’ findings.
Kind regards
Glenn Floyd Founding Chief Executive Officer & Head of Treasury & Finance
A.S.I.C. ACN: 671 802 994 ABN: 22671802994
42 Main Street Maldon Vic 3643 Australia
T: +61 (0) 3 5475 1268 Mobile: +61 (0) 407 861 056
t: twitter
Sent: Tuesday, November 7, 2023 3:46 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: Rennick, Gerard (Senator) [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'David Martin' [email protected]; 'Shane Murdock' [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'anthony bartolo' [email protected]; 'Kirsty Duncan' [email protected]; 'Tina Cinque' [email protected]; 'Jordan and Doug' [email protected]; 'Charmaine Paras' [email protected]; 'charles' [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'David Weisinger' [email protected]; [email protected]; 'James Leocata' [email protected]; Jacqui Turnbull [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Jeryy Prus' [email protected]; 'Carmela Leone' [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Rodney Richards' [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Nigel Kennett [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Jacquie Dundee Muller' [email protected]; 'Graham Hood' [email protected]; Graham Lyons [email protected]; [email protected]; Julian Gillespie [email protected]
Subject: RE: OCTOBER 2023 EVIDENCE OF DEATHS/INJURY RISKS - DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory dose response.
TO: Mark Butler Australian Minister for Health and Aged Care
CC: Elspeth Kay Branch Head HPRG-TGA Pharmacovigilance Branch
Dear Minister Butler, et al with respect to our urgent call Sent: Saturday, November 4, 2023 1:26 PM for an immediate investigation and report on the Open Science Framework Researcher David J Speicher Canada alarming health-risks’ findings; the following specific evidence is IMMEDIATELY required:
- Release all the lot numbers, DNA content and RNA integrity of the vaccines administered in Australia.
- Did Australia issue GMP waivers? If so, to whom and for what?
- How many doses per lot were administered in Australia?
- Did Pfizer disclose the SV40 enhancer-promoter, the SV40 polyA or the HSV-TK polyA signal to the Australian regulatory agencies?
Not disclosing this precise detail requested under the alarming evidence provided now in the Open Science Framework Researcher David J Speicher Canada published health-risks’ findings, exposes you personally potentially, to be criminally liable of concealment and misfeasance in Public Office, where criminal and civil action will be taken against you personally if you conceal any of this critical evidence Australians have a legal right to see.
The All-Cause Mortality (excluding covid-infections) numbers in Australia are approximately 15,000 per annum above the natural 5-year average, which includes may young Australians and sports people dying in their prime of life and a direct causative link is suspected to the Cov-Cyanide toxins and these utterly unnatural deaths.
Kind regards
Glenn Floyd Founding Chief Executive Officer & Head of Treasury & Finance
A.S.I.C. ACN: 671 802 994 ABN: 22671802994
42 Main Street Maldon Vic 3643 Australia
T: +61 (0) 3 5475 1268 Mobile: +61 (0) 407 861 056
t: twitter
From: Steve Crothers [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 2:12 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; Senator Alex Antic [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; phillip.altman [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Mark Neugebauer [email protected]; Ben Clemens [email protected]; Serene Teffaha [email protected]; Jay Vidanage [email protected]; Todd Callender [email protected]; Thomas Renz [email protected]; [email protected]; GLENN FLOYD [email protected]; Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil [email protected]; John OSullivan [email protected]; John Olooney [email protected]; Dr John Walsh of Brannagh [email protected]; Solihin Millin [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Vaccine Choice Australia [email protected]; [email protected]; Ted Steele [email protected]; mike yeadon [email protected]; Glenn Floyd [email protected]; Gigi Foster [email protected]; [email protected]; A. Zimmermann [email protected]; George Christensen [email protected]; Julian Gillespie [email protected]; [email protected]; Judy Wilyman [email protected]; Elizabeth Hart [email protected]
Subject: WHO pandemic treaty - objections
Mr. Mark Butler MP
Minister for Health
Federal Parliament for the Commonwealth of Australia
7th November 2023
Dear Sir,
Re: NO to WHO Voice in Public Health
The Australian people said NO to the Indigenous Voice in Parliament referendum that sought to subvert the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (Imp). It is now time to say NO to the proposed international pandemic treaty that seeks to subvert the sovereignty of the Commonwealth of Australia on matters of public health. I am an Australian citizen and registered voter. I am a scientist, occupational hygienist and forensic investigator with some forty years field experience in physical, chemical and biological hazards and their management, and the investigation of injuries and fatalities in workplaces and public spaces for insurance companies and law firms.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) is an unelected foreign non-government organisation that has been given no authority by the Australian people, and is funded primarily by organisations having commercial interests feigning philanthropy. You are no doubt aware that the WHO seeks to take control of public health responses in numerous countries including Australia, in the event of any pandemic which the WHO itself can unilaterally declare upon the world. The Australian Government is soon to decide on signing a treaty to allow the WHO to dictate to the Australian people and impose upon them, with the complicity of Australian public agencies, any mandates the WHO demands in relation to WHO unilaterally declared pandemics under the proposed treaty. These broad powers for the WHO to mandate include forced medical and experimental medical procedures (including vaccinations) upon Australian citizens, incarceration of Australian citizens, suppression of open debate, control of information, restrictions on or total deprivation of freedom, liberty and movement, and denial of bodily self-determination, contrary to long-standing common law and the jurisdiction of our courts of law:
‘every human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what shall be done with his own body’. Schloendorff v Society of New York Hospital 211 NY 125, 105 NE 92 (1914) per Justice Cadozo.
‘a man cannot be said to be truly ‘willing’ unless he is in a position to choose freely, and freedom of choice predicates, not only full knowledge of the circumstances on which the exercise of choice is conditioned, so that he may be able to choose wisely, but in the absence from his mind of any feeling of constraint so that nothing shall interfere with the freedom of his will.’ Bowater v Rowley Regis Corp [1944] KB 476 at 479 (CA) (Lord Justice Scott).
‘while evidence of acceptable medical practice is a useful guide to the courts, it is for the courts to adjudicate on what is the appropriate standard of care after giving weight to “the paramount consideration that a person is entitled to make his own decisions about his life” [F v R (1983) 33 SASR, at 193].’ Rogers v Whitaker (1992) 175 CLR 479 at 483 (Mason CJ, Brennan, Dawson, Toohey and McHugh JJ) High Court of Australia.
“it is established that the principle of self-determination requires that respect must be given to the wishes of the patient, so that if an adult patient of sound mind refuses, however unreasonably, to consent to treatment or care by which his life would or might be prolonged, the doctors responsible for his care must give effect to his wishes, even though they do not consider it to be in his best interests to do so”
Airdale National Health Service Trust v Bland [1993] AC 789; [1993] 1 All ER 821 (Lord Justice Goff of Chieveley)
‘an individual of full capacity is not obliged to give consent to medical treatment, nor is a medical practitioner or other service provider under any obligation to provide such treatment without consent, even if the failure to treat will result in the loss of the patient's life.' Brightwater Care Group (Inc) v Rossiter (2009) 40 WAR 84; [2009] WASC 229 (Martin CJ)
The Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) is a comprehensive statute that provides protection of public health and the rights of persons. The Australian people have no need or desire whatsoever for the foreign interference of the WHO. The Federal Government and its bureaucracies have not consulted the Australian electorate for the latter’s views on the proposed treaty and once again seems intent on telling the Australian people what is good for them despite the fact that Government and its public authorities are servants of the Australian people; not their despotic rulers. Federal and State governments and their agencies willingly followed the advice of the WHO and willingly applied heretofore unheard-of obscene, threatening and menacing measures in depriving Australian citizens of their civil liberties, human rights, bodily autonomy and financial independence under the guise of the alleged COVID-19 world-wide pandemic declared by the WHO. The complicity of Australian governments and their public authorities in the COVID-19 scaremongering will, in my view, result in litigation that will go on for many years, and rightly so.
I request you to oppose the proposed WHO treaty and to table before Federal Parliament this missive and the two documents attached hereto in evidence that the WHO is in reality a criminal organisation that committed fraud in relation to the alleged COVID-19 pandemic it imposed upon the world. The WHO is a dangerous and insidious organisation masquerading as a global benevolent society. The ubiquitously declared gold standard for testing any person being infected with the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus causing COVID-19 is the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Although this technology is not a medical diagnostic tool at all it has been falsely represented to the public as a medical diagnostic. Now, one finds in a WHO COVID-19 coronavirus PCR testing protocol document published by the Institut Pasteur, Paris, bearing the title, ‘Protocol: Real-time RT-PCR assays for the detection of SARS-CoV-2’, this 18-character PCR primer genetic sequence (see Exhibit 1, page 1):
Exhibit 1 (page 1) states: ‘This protocol describes procedures for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 for two RdRp targets (IP2 and IP4).’ The sequence above is an RdRp gene/nCoV_IP2 bearing the specific name, nCoV_IP2-12759Rv. What the document does not say is that the above sequence is in fact a segment of chromosome 8 of human beings in the base-pair range 63,648,346 to 63,648,363 inclusive (note: 63,648,363 – 63,648,346 + 1 = 18). The said document can be obtained at this url:
Confirmation of the scientific fact that the genetic sequence above is indeed a segment of human chromosome 8 can be obtained in this document: ‘Homo sapiens chromosome 8, GRCh38.p13 Primary Assembly, NCBI Reference Sequence: NC_000008.11’ (see Exhibit 2, page 2), located at this url:$=nuclalign&blast_rank=2&from=63648346&to=63648363
The question arises as to why the WHO includes a segment of human chromosome 8 as a SARS-CoV-2 PCR primer for the detection of COVID-19 in human beings. Theoretically, using the above genetic sequence as a PCR primer will always produce a positive RT-PCR output on a human specimen. The use of a segment of human chromosome 8 as a SARS-CoV-2 primer for PCR is fraudulent. Using the foregoing 18 character oligonucleotide amounts to ‘testing’ a human being to ascertain if that human being is a human being and if a PCR positive is returned, call it a COVID-19 case. If a PCR negative is returned that only means that the PCR result is a false negative since it is known a priori that the person ‘tested’ is a human being.
No doubt the WHO and its accomplices in the COVID-19 fraud thought that their selection of the 18 character oligonucleotide from human chromosome 8 would never be discovered by anybody. After all, one can select an 18 character string of contiguous base pairs from the 146,259,671 base pairs of human chromosome 8 in 146,259,654 different ways. Observe that starting with base pairs 1 to 18 inclusive gives 1 way; taking base pairs 2 to 19 gives another way; taking base pairs 3 to 20 gives another way; and so on up to 146,259,671 – 17 = 146,259,654 (since 146,259,671 – 146,259,654 + 1 = 18). In other words, just using human chromosome 8 alone for an 18 character base pair sequence gives 146,259,654 ways of selection. Now the haploid number of human beings is 23 (i.e. 23 chromosomes). The total number of base pairs for all the chromosomes (the genome) is about 3,054,815,472. There are therefore some 3,054,815,455 different ways to select an 18 character sequence of contiguous base pairs from the human genome and to thereby conceal its origin. In reading the WHO-Pasteur Institute document, how many people, including scientists, would observe that the 18 character oligonucleotide recommended to the world for ‘testing’ a person for COVID-19 is in fact a segment of human chromosome 8? That the offending genetic string is from the human being was quite obviously deliberately selected and concealed. No wonder the WHO miscreants and their accomplices, including its Australian co-conspirators, felt confident that their jointly commissioned crime would not be discovered. But it has been discovered because the truth will never be buried indefinitely and people not on the WHO mercenary payroll will pursue the truth and hold all the criminals to lawful account. Every Australian complicit in this fraud must in the course of time be held accountable at law and punished accordingly for their heinous crimes.
Mr. Brian Mitchell, Labor Federal Member for Lyons, writes in his article ‘Anti-corruption and integrity commission a priority’ ( published in The Examiner; “The decoupling of honesty and integrity from politics and government is derailing our democracy.” Indeed; the COVID-19 fraud is an alarming case in point. In relation to the NSW public transport shutdown he wrote in that same article; “The truth emerged and the commuters went ballistic at being taken for a ride. But the increasing willingness of leaders to resort to bald-faced lies to score political points is, I believe, corrosive to democracy.” The Australian people have been taken for a ride by government and its bureaucrats who resorted to bald-faced lies about the alleged COVID-19 pandemic, corroding democracy. It is a matter to be investigated by the National Anti-Corruption and Integrity Commission.
Should you fail to table these documents before Parliament, fail to oppose the nefarious WHO treaty and fail to inform the Australian people of the facts reported to you in this correspondence, that and all else is now, nonetheless, on the public record with your office, to be pursued by those who have the lawful power to prosecute those who collaborated in the COVID-19 fraud perpetrated upon the Australian people. For the sake of transparency and democracy I have included various Australian senators and other MP's, scientists, lawyers, physicians, economists, former judges, academics and news media in this correspondence.
I have hereby discharged my civic duty to my fellow Australians.
Yours faithfully,
Stephen Crothers
From: GLENN FLOYD <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 10:02 AM
To: [email protected]
Cc: Steve Crothers <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Senator Alex Antic <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; phillip.altman <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Mark Neugebauer <[email protected]>; Ben Clemens <[email protected]>; Serene Teffaha <[email protected]>; Jay Vidanage <[email protected]>; Todd Callender <[email protected]>; Thomas Renz <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil <[email protected]>; John OSullivan <[email protected]>; John Olooney <[email protected]>; Dr John Walsh of Brannagh <[email protected]>; Solihin Millin <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Vaccine Choice Australia <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Ted Steele <[email protected]>; mike yeadon <[email protected]>; Glenn Floyd <[email protected]>; Gigi Foster <[email protected]>; [email protected]; A. Zimmermann <[email protected]>; George Christensen <[email protected]>; Julian Gillespie <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Judy Wilyman <[email protected]>; Elizabeth Hart <[email protected]>; Rennick, Gerard (Senator) <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'David Martin' <[email protected]>; 'Shane Murdock' <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'anthony bartolo' <[email protected]>; 'Kirsty Duncan' <[email protected]>; 'Tina Cinque' <[email protected]>; 'Jordan and Doug' <[email protected]>; 'Charmaine Paras' <[email protected]>; 'charles' <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'David Weisinger' <[email protected]>; [email protected]; 'James Leocata' <[email protected]>; Jacqui Turnbull <[email protected]>; [email protected]; 'Jeryy Prus' <[email protected]>; 'Carmela Leone' <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Rodney Richards' <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; Nigel Kennett <[email protected]>; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; 'Jacquie Dundee Muller' <[email protected]>; 'Graham Hood' <[email protected]>; Graham Lyons <[email protected]>; [email protected]; Julian Gillespie <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: WHO pandemic treaty - objections
TO: Mark Butler Australian Minister for Health and Aged Care
CC: Elspeth Kay Branch Head HPRG-TGA Pharmacovigilance Branch
Dear Minister Butler, et al with respect to Mr Stephen Crothers email (under) Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 2:12 AM), the evidence provided by Mr Crothers, prima facie, demonstrably reveals that the segment of human chromosome 8 is the offending genetic string that was deliberately chosen , and selected and concealed and only scientifically proves by the result that this is a human being; nothing else!
Viz: “The use of a segment of human chromosome 8 as a SARS-CoV-2 primer for PCR is fraudulent. Using the foregoing 18 character oligonucleotide amounts to ‘testing’ a human being to ascertain if that human being is a human being and if a PCR positive is returned, call it a COVID-19 case. If a PCR negative is returned that only means that the PCR result is a false negative since it is known a priori that the person ‘tested’ is a human being”.
As revealed by the intelligence of all Australians whereby your party leader has Lost-His-‘Voice’ (campaign) with an absolute rejection of racist-card playing manipulation, the profound awareness is also now upon all Australians that you, your government and ALL major parties may be utterly bribery-corruption (donations) captured by the Pharma-Mafia Cabal that pays your wages via donations whereby the Cov-Cyanide you are pushing is probably causing 15,000 excess Australia deaths per annum and now sees a 97% vaccine rejection by Australians duped by prima facie initial possible WHO collaborative misfeasance.
Mr. Crothers’ concise irrefutable scientific evidence demonstrably shows the fundamental faux-science drivel used the proposed WHO international pandemic treaty seeks to subvert the sovereignty of the Commonwealth of Australia on matters of public health, and again its financial $Multi-Trillion-Dollar backers are the same criminals funding you (donations?) and ALL Australian major parties.
Mr. Crothers’ concise irrefutable scientific evidence does not just show the WHO fundamental faux-science drivel is false, and cannot be relied upon; the evidence reveals a terrifying criminal fraud of manipulated science, but prima facie, also a brazen attempt to continue the political capture that made ALL major party politicians automatic as Sock-Puppets in dire collusion with the Pharma-Industrial-Complex.
You are now bound as our Minister, to immediately involve the Australian Federal Police, the Attorneys General and the Directors of Public Prosecutions to immediately investigate Mr. Crothers’ findings that prima facie science evidence potentially represents Criminal Fraud, Criminal Bribery and Criminal Political Corruption. Please respond to this email on your willingness to investigate this serious matter within five (5) working days.
Kind regards
Glenn Floyd Founding Chief Executive Officer & Head of Treasury & Finance
A.S.I.C. ACN: 671 802 994 ABN: 22671802994
42 Main Street Maldon Vic 3643 Australia
T: +61 (0) 3 5475 1268 Mobile: +61 (0) 407 861 056
t: twitter
Date: On Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 at 12:01 PM
Subject: WHO pandemic treaty - objections
To: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
CC: Steve Crothers , [email protected] , Senator Alex Antic , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , phillip.altman , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , Mark Neugebauer , Ben Clemens , Serene Teffaha , Jay Vidanage , Todd Callender , Thomas Renz , [email protected] , Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil , John OSullivan , John Olooney , Dr John Walsh of Brannagh , Solihin Millin , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , Vaccine Choice Australia , [email protected] , Ted Steele , mike yeadon , Gigi Foster , [email protected] , A. Zimmermann , George Christensen , Julian Gillespie , [email protected] , Judy Wilyman , Elizabeth Hart , Rennick, Gerard (Senator) , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , 'David Martin' , 'Shane Murdock' , [email protected] , [email protected] , 'anthony bartolo' , 'Kirsty Duncan' , 'Tina Cinque' , 'Jordan and Doug' , 'Charmaine Paras' , 'charles' , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , 'David Weisinger' , [email protected] , 'James Leocata' , Jacqui Turnbull , [email protected] , 'Jeryy Prus' , 'Carmela Leone' , [email protected] , [email protected] , 'Rodney Richards' , [email protected] , [email protected] , Nigel Kennett , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , 'Jacquie Dundee Muller' , 'Graham Hood' , Graham Lyons , [email protected] , Julian Gillespie
TO: Mark Butler Australian Minister for Health and Aged Care
CC: Elspeth Kay Branch Head HPRG-TGA Pharmacovigilance Branch
Mr Butler et al, excess mortality has now tripled >> with global mass Cov-Cyanide injections rollouts, a damning irrefutable statistical correlation, you are now Ministerially lawfully duty bound to seek causation, or face criminal or civil Misfeasance in Public Office claims!
Misfeasance in public office is a 'very peculiar' legal wrong and the only 'public' tort; while all other torts concern private wrongdoing, misfeasance creates liability for public officers themselves who misuse their public power in bad faith and cause harm.
Notwithstanding any results that may come from investigations we have requested you to undertake (under); refusal to respond at all as requested; in itself constitutes Misfeasance in Public Office.
Kind regards
Glenn Floyd Founding Chief Executive Officer & Head of Treasury & Finance
A.S.I.C. ACN: 671 802 994 ABN: 22671802994
42 Main Street Maldon Vic 3643 Australia
T: +61 (0) 3 5475 1268 Mobile: +61 (0) 407 861 056
t: twitter
Date: On Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 at 2:31 PM
Subject: Fw: WHO pandemic treaty - objections
To: [email protected] , Health:Minister for Health , [email protected] , [email protected]
CC: Steve Crothers , [email protected] , Senator Alex Antic , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , phillip.altman , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , Ben Clemens , Serene Teffaha , Jay Vidanage , Todd Callender , Thomas Renz , [email protected] , Dr Mohammad Iqbal Adil , John OSullivan , John Olooney , Dr John Walsh of Brannagh , Solihin Millin , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , Vaccine Choice Australia , [email protected] , Ted Steele , mike yeadon , Glenn Floyd , Gigi Foster , [email protected] , A. Zimmermann , George Christensen , Julian Gillespie , [email protected] , Judy Wilyman , Elizabeth Hart , Gerard (Senator) , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , 'David Martin' , 'Shane Murdock' , [email protected] , [email protected] , 'anthony bartolo' , 'Kirsty Duncan' , 'Tina Cinque' , 'Jordan and Doug' , 'Charmaine Paras' , 'charles' , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , 'David Weisinger' , [email protected] , 'James Leocata' , Jacqui Turnbull , [email protected] , 'Jeryy Prus' , 'Carmela Leone' , [email protected] , [email protected] , 'Rodney Richards' , [email protected] , [email protected] , Nigel Kennett , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , 'Jacquie Dundee Muller' , 'Graham Hood' , Graham Lyons , [email protected] , Julian Gillespie , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]

- Instigate an immediate investigation into the frightening Open Science Framework Researcher David J Speicher Canada findings and issuing an immediate withdrawal of these high-risk toxins if the findings are corroborated by testing of the products in Australia you are coercing.
- demand and provide from the responsible regulatory bureaucrats,the following specific details: A specific technical/quantitative/numerical Risks Verses Benefits report; and NOT a ‘Qualitative’ report, which does NOT address in any form the absolute weight of technical/quantitative/numerical lethal contaminants evidence revealed in the Open Science Framework Researcher David J Speicher Canada alarmingly high health-risks’ findings.
- Release all the lot numbers, DNA content and RNA integrity of the vaccines administered in Australia
- Did Australia issue GMP waivers? If so, to whom and for what?
- How many doses per lot were administered in Australia?
- Did Pfizer disclose the SV40 enhancer-promoter, the SV40 polyA or the HSV-TK polyA signal to the Australian regulatory agencies?
- To table the evidence of Mr Crothers to parliament
- To Oppose the nefarious WHO treaty
- To Inform the Australian people of the facts reported to him in Mr Crothers correspondence