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If I was a teenager in this day and age, I would have been trans'd by now. They would have convinced me through their messaging, that my discomfort around others was because I was in the wrong body.
They would have lopped off my developing breasts, and put me on hormones that are unnatural for my body. They wouldn't have explored the possibility of neurodiversity, and even if they did, I myself would have had to know heaps about it in order to be taken seriously. I was unknowingly masking from a very young age, as many of us do.
I feel sad for our young people who are exposed to all of this stuff, while their brains are developing, and while they are still in the very early stages of self exploration.
It takes being a grown up, and getting out into the world to learn who we really are. By permanently mutilating our children, we are robbing them of their authentic selves, and their future; and for what? Just so we can be "inclusive" and all loving to those with mental illness, who want an audience with our children. Are you willing to risk your child's health and happiness just to appease a male in a dress?
The raging trans movement came after brutal lockdowns, and forced social separation; many children's social development was interrupted, resulting in even more teenage angst. Throw social media into the mix, where the alphabet people promise kids they will be celebrated, if they just take the puberty blockers and permanently mutilate their body. This whole thing is a recipe for disaster, and what chance do our most vulnerable kids have against such a powerful marketing machine?!
Why are we, as adults, ignoring our own upbringing? Growing up without all the rainbow flags and trans nonsense in the classroom served us well, why does anyone think this stuff is what our children need?!
I wish someone would make it illegal to be trans until you are 18, and illegal to go on hormones and get surgeries until the age of 21. Brains and bodies need to develop, and we all need to get out into the world, before permanently changing ourselves.
For the longest time I felt for trans people, as it must've been heartbreaking every time they had to fill out a form and tick a box for their gender; I imagine it would be torture.
However, I've now revoked my sympathy and kindness, as I don't see trans people calling out the autogynephilia fetishists and telling the world "they're not with us"; rather they embrace them and celebrate their filth.
I don't see trans people as caring for the kids, but instead, advocating for irreversible harm to children, despite the majority of children not having any kind of gender dysphoria.
And instead of accepting biological reality, trans people want to play sport against the opposite gender, even though we separate sports into the two genders for a reason, that doesn't stop their arrogant and entitled selves from pushing through and demanding to participate, because "inclusion"!
I'd like to see ALL sporting clubs enter into the rule book that you must be a biological male to compete in the male category, and a biological female to compete in the female category. As someone who is much smarter than I has stated, "You need to establish your ethics before they're needed", and having it already written into the rule book would protect everyone in sport from this crazy movement; you could just point to the rule book and say; "Not today satan" and have that be the end of it!
For those of you who think this problem is just in America, no it's not.
A few months ago in the local paper, there was an article about a male wanting to play with the girls, I think it was in basketball. Thankfully the board said "no" but they took their time, and said that they would consider it, instead of shutting it down immediately. They should have had better ethics from the start!
In Melbourne, a young autistic girl was suspended from school for telling a boy (breaks my heart to write this: "trans girl" ) the he needed to use the boys bathroom, not the girls.
That is just a couple of small examples that I can easily point to, but there is much worse stuff going on.
Society has been groomed for all of this nonsense to flourish, when we were told that we need to be kind and inclusive to those who have mental problems. But what kind of healthcare plan advocates for the discomfort of others, just to make the patient feel special?
How uncomfortable do you have to be before you take action and stand up for what's right? How much more grooming and indoctrination needs to take place before you wake up and realise how bad the situation is? Does your child, or niece or nephew have to transition and then de-transition before you take this seriously? Do you or a female close to you need to encounter a perverted "trans" male in the female bathroom before you get angry?
There's not a single human being on the planet that gets everything they want in life, and that includes trans people. Not having everything you want, builds character. Trying to force your self indulgences upon the world makes people hate you. If you are trans, please read the room; we don't want to hate you, but we will not accept bad behaviour. Also, leave the kids alone.