South Australia In Focus
Lifestyle • Politics • Culture
Journey from evolutionary scientist to Christian soldier
Contribution by: Graham Lyons B Agric Sci M Public Health PhD
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Planning micronutrient biofortification trials on the Loess Plateau with Professor Zhaohui Wang, NW Agricultural & Forestry University, Shaanxi, China in 2008

I have gotten to know Graham, the author of below piece over the past 2 years through our intertwined journeys pushing back not just against our own government overreach, but also against a network of nefarious wealthy and powerful megalomaniacs who seek to be little gods over humanity, while in my opinion serving a more evil entity.

I read Graham's testimony and sought his permission to share as I believe it is important for other Christians to discover the journey of fellow believers in attempt to bolster up encouragement and hope in the knowledge that that there are others, and we are many.

I hope you enjoy Graham's witty, humorous and articulate writings as much as me, and may it strengthen your resolve to continue to stand up to the evil intentions of the Globalist elite under the ever persistence and guidance of their dark master.

By Graham Lyons  B Agric Sci   M Public Health  PhD

I have written this piece in response to a request by Alex Thomson (UK Column’s brilliant multilingual researcher/journalist/presenter), an archetypal brave Christian soldier, who read out the entire “RAINS List” of “elite”, “Establishment”, “UK ruling class” paedophiles/satanist ritual abusers, complete with their home addresses where available:

Agriculture/pre-scientist phase 1985 – 1993: wife and I raising two daughters on a cattle farm in the Adelaide Hills. Attended and supported the local Uniting Church until I questioned the SA Moderator (paid him a visit at his Adelaide office) over donations channelled to the World Council of Churches, which was supporting communist terrorists in southern Africa to murder nuns and priests under the banner of “liberation theology”. He refused to discuss it and showed me the door. I have not set foot in a Uniting Church since.

Mid to late 1990s: realised that I wanted more from life than continuing to be a cattle/sheep/crop farmer. Planned to study medicine, but wife talked me out of it…I was mid-40s by then. Sold farms, moved to Adelaide, studied public health, then did a PhD in micronutrients in soil, plants, animals, humans, with a focus on selenium.

From 2001 to late 2019, conducted R&D in South Australia, East Africa, Colombia, China, PNG, Papua/West Papua, England and Pacific Island countries, published scientific articles and spoke at numerous conferences. My work contributed to Professor Howarth Bouis, Washington DC, winning the 2016 World Food Prize, the de facto Nobel Prize for Food & Agriculture.

During this time my metaphysics/religion was a common one for scientists, atheistic materialist Darwinism (more on this below). I liked Richard Dawkins’s books and regarded followers of “standard” religions with bemusement. I questioned why someone as brilliant as my Norwegian colleague, Olav Albert Christophersen, would bother to study Scripture and play the organ in a village church on Sundays. One day we toured the Munch museum and the geology museum in central Oslo, and on the train back to his apartment, Olav related the most plausible evolutionary explanation I have ever heard of how the first self-replicating cell was formed…but how did this fit with his Christian belief?

And I questioned why the great wheat breeder, Tony Rathjen, based at the Waite Campus (of Adelaide University) with me, would be a staunch Christian (Lutheran), especially after his wife died of cancer. And he donated some of the royalties from his wheat varieties to an Aboriginal community in the far west of SA.

My metaphysics was summed up by this quote from neo-Darwinist Edward O Wilson, the author of the influential “Sociobiology”, which I pinned on the notice-board above my desk: “Material reality discovered by science possesses more content and grandeur than all religious cosmologies combined.” I thought I could explain everything I saw (and couldn’t see, e.g. atoms, molecules, enzymes, biochemistry in action) in terms of aeons of geological processes and evolution. It never occurred to me that “The Big Bang theory”, which purports to explain the creation of the Universe from nothing, via complex equations, is patently absurd.

I had the great Oxford (communist) geneticist, JBS Haldane in mind when devising experiments: “When I plan an experiment, I do it in the knowledge that it will not be the subject of divine intervention!” Haldane, who had a wry sense of humour, trained his cat to jump up onto a cupboard at the sound of a knock on the door of his Oxford office. When the visitor entered, the cat leapt upon their shoulders and JBS laughed uproariously at their discomfiture. Haldane ended his days in an ashram in India, surrounded by acolytes, including some nice young women, so he was no fool.

I have always been somewhat on the fringe of University life. During my time as an active scientist, I saw numerous faux researchers of moderate intellect (but a keen eye for grant funds) elevated to professorships. I have never followed spurious zeitgeists/trends just because there is the lure of lavish funding.  This phenomenon has been explored by Professor Bruce Charlton, formerly based at Loughborough University and formerly editor of the journal “Medical Hypotheses”. “Scientism” (a veritable religion of pseudoscience) is now the metaphysics of “the scientific system” globally, with institutions comprehensively corrupted by “global-parasite” funding. The worst area/”discipline” (a misnomer) is that of “medical science”, which is now an oxymoron thanks to egregious Big Pharma (“Harma”) corruption.

Conversely, truth-seeking is my driver in science, and I need research questions/hypotheses which I think are important and worth trying to answer/test. Will my investigations have the potential to improve the lot of humanity? I have never been paid by the University, always externally funded, and I am frugal. If I think I can answer a RQ with $50,000 funding, that is what I will seek, not $500,000. This attitude/approach is not respected by profligate government organisations and other major scientific funding bodies. Of course, due to my anti-convid stance, I am now something of a pariah at the University.

Now I arrive at February 2020 and the advent of the corona era, the covid coup, Convid1984, the coronahoax, the plan/scamdemic…call it what you will. “Merely” a tyranny dump by the global-parasites.

I saw through the bs within a week, and expected others to do so too. However, few did…or at least appeared not to. Very few at the University did. These supposed truth-seeking “scientists”, by their compliance with the nonsensical convid diktats, revealed themselves as cowardly bien pensants. A lot of these people have quite high IQs. Clearly, convid1984 and the connected harmful “vaccine” represented not an IQ test but rather a test of discernment (and there are abundant Scriptural references to this) and courage. Probably at least 90% of the Australian populace failed the test, and in the subset of the scientific community, the failure rate was even higher.

My final research projects concluded in late 2019: identification of nutritious leafy food plants on atolls of Kiribati and Tuvalu to assist with reducing diabetes, and field trials in South Australia’s Mid-North to identify salt-tolerant oat varieties. As I knew I would be fully occupied exploring and dealing with the corona nonsense, I did not apply for further research funding. It would be futile getting more articles published in scientific journals if we were simultaneously being frog-marched into a dystopian future of slavery…or death.

When my dear father passed away in early April 2020, at 93, I farewelled him with a promise that I would do all in my power to counteract this tyranny.

I sought people who would join me in both standing against what was happening and warning others about it. After studying (from 1986 – 1997) who controlled global finance and the mass media, started wars and revolutions, etc, I realised from the start what was behind this new atrocity. I found that the materialistic, atheistic Darwinist “scientists” (more appropriately, “scientism-ists”) lacked the armoury to stand up to this show of propaganda/”fear porn” and tyranny from the MSM (which soon revealed itself as the fake news media, FNM) and most of the world’s governments. The warrior in these times confronts the evil that most people refuse to acknowledge.

For example, I was on the executive of an international selenium research organisation. When an email arrived, addressed to all 330 members, many of them Chinese students, I replied to all, warning them of the dangers of the upcoming corona “vaccine” or “quax” as I soon called it, which reflects the pseudoscience used to promote it. Only one fellow scientist replied thanking me. Three other executives told me how naughty I was to “purloin” the list, and that they would be proud to get the vax, and no-one else replied seeking more details…I was astonished!

And I warned Pacific Island colleagues that WHO/Australian/NZ medical teams would be coming to their islands, to force them to take a poison vax. Of my main three collaborators, one heeded my warning and he is healthy now (September 2023), while the other two got jabbed: one has a throat tumour, the other had a stroke a year ago, aged about 40.

The more I researched vaccination, the more apparent its fraudulence and harm to individuals and populations became. My views on it are in accord with those of Gandhi: “Vaccination is a barbarous practice and is one of the most fatal of all the delusions in our time. Conscientious objectors to vaccinations should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defence of their conviction.”

Most of those who were standing up to the tyranny dump of the corona hoax were strong Christians, including Van Morrison, Mike Adams (“The Health Ranger”), and here in Adelaide, the women running The Women’s Christian Temperance Union, Liberal Senator Alex Antic and former Senator Cory Bernardi. Interstate, there was former Qantas pilot Graham Hood, media journalist/presenter Maria Zeee and film producer Topher Field from Melbourne. Later, the former head of agriculture in Tuvalu, Itaia Lausaveve (mentioned in the previous paragraph) stood up to be counted in the Pacific Islands. I realised that we were in a spiritual war, involving “principalities and powers” and Darwinism/atheism/humanism just wasn’t going to cut it.

One person I sought out early on was Gordon Newman, the creator/writer of the TV series, “Judge John Deed”, who lives near Bristol, because I recalled that Deed often stood up for “the little person” against Big Pharma, Big Telco, etc….and won. Gordon provided me with great encouragement in my covid noncompliance.

I found David Icke’s commentary and many news items to be very good, and then I discovered UK Column and joined up. And became a life member of 21st Century Wire, and also joined Cory Bernardi Confidential (Adelaide), TOTT News and Real News Australia (Brisbane) and Gab, the US-based Christian platform. These are the closest I get to being on social media…except if others publish my talks/interviews on it.

Unlike Victoria, and Melbourne in particular, South Australia experienced only two idiot “lockdowns” (or rather “lockups”) of just three days each. During one of these, a group of us held a clandestine meeting at the tearooms of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union on Sir Donald Bradman Drive. At my table was a young couple, Richard and Deborah Akkari, who run their own Pentacostal church. Richard spoke of his disdain for the moronic government diktats…never wore a mask; kept the church open throughout the coronahoax (one of the few that did), etc. After I gave my usual defiant talk, Deborah must have discerned some need in me and asked if I was ready to receive the Holy Spirit. I didn’t hesitate long (especially as she is rather attractive)…and I guess that was the start of my second Christian journey, or first “real” one.

A Christian friend gave me a Bible. Later I joined the Akkaris’ Victory Life Church. It is the Adelaide branch of the great tennis player, Margaret Court’s church in Perth, which does wonderful work in providing good food to the needy. I still attend, every second Sunday evening…it is a fair drive from my home. It is always uplifting and strengthening to worship with such strong, genuine people of faith.

When I was confronted with dozens of masked, face-shielded minions of the medical industrial complex (Covid branch) at Adelaide airport in March 2021 after returning from visiting my family in Brisbane (and it was all I could do to not burst out laughing at these totalitarian-shill morons) , when told I would have to “self-isolate” (i.e. undergo house arrest) for 14 days and take three “covid tests” I did not hesitate to tell them loudly, so all around could hear, that I was a REAL scientist, unlike the charlatans at SA “Health”,  who knew the “test” was a fraud, and there was NO WAY I would submit to such bs. And I repeated it when the stunned young “official” summoned his superior, a police officer, who added ten days to my “sentence”.

I suppose this was one of the gutsier things I have done, but I knew I HAD to do it, was bloody angry, and had no fear of these witless fools, lackeys of a rotten, evil system…it was as though God was with me. Oh, “But they were just doing their job”…yeah, a job that takes us several steps closer to totalitarianism…some job. And so it went on and I never took a backward step, and nearly a year later, beat the bastards. And it was mostly strong Christians who supported me when I went to court. And it will probably happen again.

I rejected the quax and all the other moronic convid1984 diktats, and at the age of nearly 70 (late 2023) I remain healthy and fit. I do three sessions of high intensity interval training on a fixed bike per week, weights, pushups, situps (can do 100 pushups in 2x50) once a week and a weekly run up and down Mt Lofty, which overlooks Adelaide (an 8km trip).

Unfortunately, the quax has taken a heavy toll on humanity to date. A plausible death toll is 40 million, with many more injured. These numbers will just keep growing. Sudden deaths due to heart problems are common, often occurring in fit young athletes. Rapidly growing cancers appear “from nowhere”, along with reactivation of cancers previously in remission. The quax devastates, inter alia, fertility in both sexes and the immune system, and now many people are suffering from “vaccine” acquired immune deficiency syndrome (VAIDS).

A group of academics at the University opposed to medical fascism prevented the Vice-Chancellor from imposing a quax mandate on the University in January 2022, largely due to a brilliant letter written by a legal academic and signed by us all.

I continued to be influenced by strong role models. James Delingpole “came out” as a Christian “on air”; he interviewed Dr Christiane Northrup (who I like very much) and interviewed Alex Thomson twice. Of course I had seen Alex numerous times on the UK Column news, which I try not to miss. My thinking was “If Christianity is good enough for a bloke as brilliant, incredibly articulate but also humble, as Alex Thomson, then it’s good enough for me!”

So that is where I am now. I have an even lower tolerance for government tyranny than before, go forth against it without fear, knowing that God and Jesus are with me…and at last I have real purpose in my life. To me, defying tyranny is the best way I can worship and obey God. Other maxims I live by include “Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves”, “Live not by lies”, and “The power of truth (Satyagraha) will see it emerge and triumph…eventually”. I am by no means a model Christian…I have not been a saint in my life, I often forget to pray each day, read the Bible rather spasmodically, and often entertain strongly vengeful thoughts about my worst enemies…but I think, with God ordering my steps, I know how to resist. Hopefully I can be like Alex Thomson (and the other UK Column researchers/journalists/presenters), David Icke and his sons and Patrick Henningsen, and be a beacon of non-compliance to government-corporate tyranny.

I have made some interesting friends and contacts around the world while on this journey, which will no doubt occupy the rest of my life. They have educated me in various areas. For example, I now believe there is compelling evidence that most “celebrities” are in fact transsexuals in a religion of pagan satanism with satanic goals.

Ironically, although I have just adjunct status at the University these days, I get more invitations to conferences or to join journal editorial boards or to write articles for journals or review papers for peer-review journals than ever before. And I am getting more citations…at last others are recognising some value in my research from years ago.

My life these days is never dull…and a bit too busy, to the extent that the sheer amount of “crazy stuff happening”, a reflection of satanic inversion due to who/what is currently running the world (but not for much bloody longer!), threatens to overwhelm me at times; however, “Sufficient unto the day the evil thereof.”

Convid1984 caused me to investigate and dissect not only the fraudulent concept of vaccination, but also Darwinian evolution. Scientific materialism, following classical Darwinism, denies evidence of any design in nature and therefore any ultimate purpose to human existence. Among other works, I read Stephen Meyer’s book “Darwin’s Doubt”, in which it is made clear that Darwinian evolution requires unrealistically long waiting times to generate even a single new gene or protein. And it cannot explain the “sudden appearance” of many new life forms in the Cambrian (Silurian) epoch. Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe’s “Evolution from Space” (1982) supports Meyer’s assertions, demonstrating that it is highly unlikely that DNA and life itself originated on Earth, their so-called “panspermia” hypothesis.

I think this talk by mathematician John Lennox in Oxford is a beauty. The most famous neo-Darwinist, Richard Dawkins, is in the audience. Lennox’s talk must have been difficult for him to endure, a mauvais quart d’heure in a literal sense. My own investigation of evolution notwithstanding, Dawkins’s credibility took a massive hit during the coronahoax when he revealed himself to be an avid “jabberjockey” or “pro-quaxxer”. I thought, if he can fall for Harma’s corona and quax, he can fall for the concept of “the blind watchmaker”:

GHL        October 2023

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An evolving list of Mark Neugebauer's Correspondence

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1 November 2023 - Australia's GMO Court Case Submission and South Australia's ongoing mandates -

19 August 2023 - Response to the Australian Human Rights Commission, claim against employer -

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Australia's GMO Court Case Submission and South Australia's ongoing mandates
Email sent to the Premier of South Australia, Minister for Health and Wellbeing South Australia, and Chief Public Health Officer for the State of South Australia

Hello again interested readers.

The below email concerning the GMO court case is a follow up to an email (also further down) I sent to South Australia's Premier, Minister for Health and Wellbeing, and Chief Public Health Officer regarding DNA Contamination in the COVID countermeasures.

The original email was inspired by an email thread from Glenn Floyd and Steve Crothers concerning DNA Contamination and WHO powers. The contents of the email thread can be found here -

If you believe my content is of benefit and you would like to support my efforts, you can do so here.



------- Forwarded Message -------
From: Mark Neugebauer
Date: On Tuesday, November 21st, 2023 at 3:32 PM
Subject: Australia's GMO Court Case Submission and South Australia's ongoing mandates
To: [email protected] , Health:Minister for Health , [email protected] , [email protected]
CC: Many doctors, politicians and media

The Hon Peter Malinauskas MP - Premier of South Australia
Chris Picton MP - Minister for Health and Wellbeing
Prof Nicola Spurrier - Chief Public Health Officer for the State of South Australia
Mr Malinauskas, Mr Picton, Miss Spurrier, as with all my previous correspondence, this one will also be made publicly available.
I am following up as I have not heard back from you after my November 8th correspondence below, in which I requested 3 action points concerning findings of DNA contamination in the COVID 19 Countermeasures which you continue to mandate to Health Care Workers in our State.
I now add for your awareness and for public record information about legal proceedings filled against Pfizer and Moderna which is summarised by the Australian Medical Professional's Society here -
The GMO Case as it's been coined is also thoroughly covered by Julian Gillespie, LL.B., B.Juris, Barrister in this presentation to Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics Int'l, and as you would appreciate due to the serious nature of the situation he doesn't pull any punches. -
Peter, Chris, and Nicole, these are truly damning revelations, not just for your ongoing insistence to mandate these countermeasures to South Australian Health Care staff, but the serious implications for yours and the previous Government for coercing and mandating the remainder of the South Australian population to take up the countermeasures. You know I have receipts showing that I have alerted yours and the previous government over the past 18 months to the concerns surrounding the countermeasures on multiple occasions.
To add more weight to these damning revelations, is the book produced by the Australian Medical Professional's Society "Too Many Dead" which I have attached to this email.
The book has been assembled by an aggregation of highly-qualified and experienced doctors and researchers who take their ethics seriously. In it, information has not been withheld, or, worse, blocked.
What makes your situation worse with more information coming to light as time goes on, is that under the direction of Nicola Spurrier, vulnerable South Australians may have been medically and biologically compromised  as a direct result of the strong encouragement, coercion and mandates to take the countermeasures. This is because other government departments and non government service providers put in place policies and mechanisms to inject the elderly in aged care facilities, people living with a disability in disability services, as well as children under the guardianship of the minister as a result of Nicola's directions, and as you know I have raised many concerns to you about these vulnerable cohort.
Clearly there is nothing you can do about all of the South Australians who have taken the countermeasures to date on Nicola's advice, that ship has sailed and only time will tell if there is further legal action to be brought against anyone who coerced or forced a South Australian to take these countermeasures.
However, there is still time for you to act on point 1 of my previous email:
1. Immediately cease all COVID19 Vaccine mandates for South Australian Health Workers -
Peter, Chris, and Nicola, the ball is in your court, as I have yet again, hereby discharged my civic duty to my fellow Australians.
Mark Neugebauer
South Australian concerned about the over reach of Government and unelected Globalists

------- Forwarded Message -------
From: Mark Neugebauer
Date: On Wednesday, November 8th, 2023 at 2:31 PM
Subject: Fw: WHO pandemic treaty - objections
To: [email protected] , Health:Minister for Health , [email protected] , [email protected]
CC: Many doctors, politicians and media
The Hon Peter Malinauskas MP - Premier of South Australia
Chris Picton MP - Minister for Health and Wellbeing
Prof Nicola Spurrier - Chief Public Health Officer for the State of South Australia
Cc: Mark Butler MP - Minister for Health and Aged Care.
Mr Malinauskas, Mr Picton, Miss Spurrier, as with all my previous correspondence, this one will also be made publicly available.
You may recall that I Cc'd you into correspondence to Mr Butler on the 6th April 2023 regarding my ongoing concerns about the COVID 19 Countermeasures and the undeniable evidence that they have caused harm to the global population - The evidence for serious long-term harm, death and lack efficacy off the COVID-19 Vaccines is now overwhelming, and ignorance may no longer be a defense! -
You may recall I raised concerns about People Living with a Disability whom I cared for prior to being terminated for choosing not to receive the Countermeasure - Annexure 2 – COVID-19 Correspondence regarding the Disability Sector -
As well as my concerns about Children, but in particular Children in Care who were bribed and coerced to take the countermeasures - Annexure 3 – COVID-19 Correspondence Regarding Children
And we have receipts to understand the Virus was never a major risk to children -

Mr Malinauskas, Mr Picton, Miss Spurrier, I now urge you to read in full the contents of the below correspondence to Mark Butler MP - Minister for Health and Aged Care as it is damning and adds much weight to all the concerns which I have raised to politicians and bureaucrats over the past two years.
Miss Spurrier, this will be of great importance to you as you sit on Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and the Health Chief Executives Forum (HCEF) - which reports back to the Health Ministers’ Meeting (HMM) -, which Mr Picton, you are part off.
Extract from Mr Glenn Floyd's correspondence below.
"the Open Science Framework Researcher David J Speicher Canada has just revealed most disturbing life-threatening findings that dangerous levels up to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 products tested."
With the evidence now provided to you all in the below email thread, but in particular you Mr Malinauskas as the Premier of South Australia and part of the National Cabinet, I request on behalf of all South Australian's, you:
1. Immediately cease all COVID19 Vaccine mandates for South Australian Health Workers -
2. Request an urgent meeting with Mr Butler to obtain answers to Mr Glenn Floyd's questions and his requests in the below correspondence to Mr Butler. Namely:
  • Instigate an immediate investigation into the frightening Open Science Framework Researcher David J Speicher Canada findings and issuing an immediate withdrawal of these high-risk toxins if the findings are corroborated by testing of the products in Australia you are coercing.
  • demand and provide from the responsible regulatory bureaucrats,the following specific details: A specific technical/quantitative/numerical Risks Verses Benefits report; and NOT a ‘Qualitative’ report, which does NOT address in any form the absolute weight of technical/quantitative/numerical lethal contaminants evidence revealed in the Open Science Framework Researcher David J Speicher Canada alarmingly high health-risks’ findings.
  • Release all the lot numbers, DNA content and RNA integrity of the vaccines administered in Australia
  • Did Australia issue GMP waivers?  If so, to whom and for what?
  • How many doses per lot were administered in Australia?
  • Did Pfizer disclose the SV40 enhancer-promoter, the SV40 polyA or the HSV-TK polyA signal to the Australian regulatory agencies?
3. As per Mr Steve Crothers correspondence below, request of Mr Butler:
  • To table the evidence of Mr Crothers to parliament
  • To Oppose the nefarious WHO treaty
  • To Inform the Australian people of the facts reported to him in Mr Crothers correspondence
I encourage you to address this correspondence with urgency, as Mr Floyd points out:
"You are now bound as our Minister, to immediately involve the Australian Federal Police, the Attorneys General and the Directors of Public Prosecutions to immediately investigate Mr. Crothers’ findings that prima facie science evidence potentially represents Criminal Fraud, Criminal Bribery and Criminal Political Corruption"
On behalf of all South Australian's I look forward to your response to this serious matter concerning not just South Australians, but ALL Australians.
Mark Neugebauer
South Australian concerned about the over reach of Government and unelected Globalists
Read full Article
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URGENT 🚨 The Court case submission all Australians need to be aware of. 💥
Julian Gillespie, LL.B., B.Juris, Barrister – Update on the Australian GMO case


The below content is a list of 21 cuts from a November 2023 presentation by Julian Gillespie, LL.B., B.Juris, Barrister for Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics Int’l.

The full 2 hour 40 minute version can be found on Charles Kovess’s RUMBLE channel here -


I have left out the first 22 minutes of Julian covering the previous cases.

I recommend checking out Charles’s other Rumble content, as well as his TNT Radio Show segments here -


A quick intro for Julian:

Julian Gillespie is an experienced barrister, who has conducted some amazing legal work over the past few years, fighting for freedom, human rights, justice and proper application of law. He has fought to protect Australia’s children from being jabbed with the Covid injectables.

Between February and October 2023, Julian’s legal team, with the aid of Senator Gerard Rennick presented to the Australian Federal Police (AFP), and the Attorney-General of Australia, Mark Dreyfus, a Brief of Information & Evidence to show both Pfizer and Moderna continue to commit serious criminal offenses in Australia, for failing to first obtain GMO licences from the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) .. which may or may not have been granted

Julian’s legal team allege the same in the civil law Federal Court GMO proceedings against Pfizer and Moderna (still ongoing).


Cut 1 – After a review of previous cases, Julian shifts the conversation to the GMO court case and obtaining approval from the donors.


Australian government, Department of health, Office of Gene Technology Regulator, AstraZeneca Covid 19 vaccine -

Gene Technology Act 2000 -



Cut 2 -  Julian provided A more detailed overview of the GMO case and who the applicant is


Julian Gillespie Substack, Australian criminal brief update -



Cut 3 - Overview of expert reports explaining and indicating the countermeasures are GMO’s.            Response from Pfizer and Moderna challenging the Australian GMO case submission based on standing. The submission has been heard, awaiting ruling from judge.




Cut 4 – Here Julian introduces Dr Bhula from the Office of Gene Technology Regulator and her significance to the case.


Link to OGTR site, what we do -



Cut 5 – Julian discusses the lead up to Dr Bhula’s grilling by Gerard Rennick and her critical own goal admission.


mRNA jabs use genetic engineering, yet the TGA didn't consult with the Gene Tech Regulator 16.02.23 -

Pfizer confirms gene therapy & the Office of Gene Tech are still in denial - 26.10.23 -



Cut 6 – Julian outlines what the benefits of Dr Bhula’s admission could mean within a properly functioning legal system, and the catastrophic consequences it would have on the Crown.




Cut 7 – Julian discusses a presentation by Dr Julie Sladden on Spectator TV and the benefits of Dr Bhula’s admissions on the Civil Proceedings.


Here is the link to the well edited presentation



Cut 8 – Julian provides an overview of the corresponding Criminal Proceedings and that the heat is on the Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus to act as the ball is fairly in his court.




Cut 9 - Julian believes the Government is in Damage control and political crisis meetings are happening which could be delaying a response from Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus.




Cut 10 – Julian provides an overview for the critical evidence of DNA contamination for the Civil case.




Cut 11 – Julian discusses the gaslighting of Australia’s Judiciary by those in power. He provides an overview of the GMO legislation for the UK and EU. He also mentions that he has provided Christine Anderson and Andrew Brigden with a free expert legal brief for them to run with and encourages them to act upon it.


The Canaries in the Human DNA Mine -



Cut 12 – Julian provides a brief overview of GMO legislation and definitions for Canada, the US and South Africa.




Cut 13 Q & A - Charles Kovess asks, do we have a captured Judiciary?




Cut 14 – Julian indicates that the Judiciary is possibly not captured but merely victims of the information and communication units within government which are linked to the WHO.


National Health Emergency Response Arrangements -

Emergency Response Plan for Communicable Diseases of National Significance (CD Plan) -

Questions about censorship following "How Twitter rigged the COVID debate" that need to be answered by the Australian Government. (South Australia in Focus)-



Cut 15 Q & A – Stephen Frost and Julian commentary regarding genomic integration and Genetic Disorders.




Cut 16 Q & A - Stephen Frost and Julian, getting the message out via media and social media. What are the known roadblocks?


Club Grubbery -

The Vax-Gene Files: An Accidental Discovery -

The Vax-Gene Files: Have the Regulators Approved a Trojan Horse? -

What the shot?! Would Australians have consented if they knew the potential risks? -

Do Covid vaccines meet the definition of gene therapy? Serious questions are being asked of Australia’s Office of the Gene Technology Regulator -

Rowan Dean -

Episode 224 - Part 3 - Covid Refuted You Cannot Be Serious  -



Cut 17 Q & A – Anna de Buisseret – the question of blood donations and transfusions affecting blood services and screening out unvaccinated blood. Challenging assertions about safety and the precautionary principle. Attacks via social media, the great work of @Jikkyleaks and calling out bad actors such as the #77Brigade.


Link to Anna de Buisseret’s tweet -



Cut 18 Q & A - Gerry Brady – discusses Professor Robert Langer’s 19th January YouTube video making staggering admissions regarding transfection.


The Presentation by Professor Robert Langer 19th January 2023 --  At 40:40, when asked about “Control of the 3D Fold” of the Spike Protein and the risk of ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement), he admits that (words to the effect) “I wish I knew more about protein folding after you get the vaccine into the cell” (!!) 


Julian discusses astounding evidence of scientists as early as March 2020 recommended nasal injected prophylactic. - Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 (previously 2019-nCoV) infection by a highly potent pan-coronavirus fusion inhibitor targeting its spike protein that harbors a high capacity to mediate membrane fusion -



Cut 19 Q & A - Mark Steele and Julian discusse sample and testing roadblocks for the Countermeasures which may show evidence of the interconnectedness of biochemicals, nano-particulates, electromagnetic radiation fields, and 5G technology frequencies.




Cut 20 Q & A - Meike Terhorst mentions how GMO issues were flagged in the Netherlands. EU can override local state legislation in and emergency via the EMA, but there is still a requirement to address GMO issues.




Cut 21 - Closing commentary by Stephen Frost and Julian. Was there really a Pandemic?



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Regardless, whatever capacity I have, I will continue to fight on and push back on the people who seek to destroy our freedoms and liberties and rule over us like little gods.

I choose to faithfully follow the one God, and proclaim, “They will be done”.


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I am looking into aspects of this latest attempt to allegedly "overhaul" Child Protection in South Australia. BE VERY AFRAID!!!!
SA has had 4 decades of bureaucratic capture of Child Protection; and always with an even greater concentration of power into the hands of nameless, faceless, unaccountable elites; save under Dr Leslie Cooper, who advocated for parents (but her recommendations were ignored and overturned some 2 years later in the early 90's); Minister Martin Evans (whose recommendations were overturned just months after the roll out of "Family Preservation Model") and then Minister Stephanie Key (who was promptly removed after she showed a keen interest in holding the bureaucrats accountable. She was the only Minister to actually meet with victims face-to-face!).
Following many correspondences for a mother who had her children removed from her care of literally NOTHING, I can say the current Minister, Katrine Hildyard, is the absolute antithesis of what a responsible and accountable Minister would do in the Child Protection portfolio if "child protection" were really her end objective. IT IS NOT! She is instead covering up lies and absolutely crooked conduct by her staff and she has been caught out on tape & in writing many times now!
If there was a Globalist "Great Reset" in Child Protection, what would it look like? I propose it would look exactly like this...
"Beginning Together: Child Protection and Family Support Symposium."
It proposes a "meeting of the minds" but whose minds exactly? Not yours, or those of ordinary citizens, parents raising kids, grandparents or those caring for loved ones, and certainly not if you have been a victim (like John Ternezis)...
None of these players appear to have any "skin in the game" (e.g. never been falsely accused, lost a child due to lies by Social Workers, advocated for the return of a child to a family, etc...). The Riley Foundation (which is supposed to advocate for families) invariably tells parents "there is nothing you can do, it's all legal, the department can do what it wants" (i.e. stealing kids from families).
But what is this project really? A "top-down" capture of the entire system, to be rendered impenetrable by the ordinary citizen. Run by "experts" for "experts", concentrating power ever more in the hands of a few elites who have never advocated for a mother who has been wrongfully targeted or walked alongside a father falsely accused before having those kids ripped from their care..
QUOTE: "What’s different about this approach is that Minister Hildyard and the Expert Group will be inviting the state to consider how best to redesign the state’s child protection system – starting with a blank page."
How wonderful to know that it is "THE STATE" that is reinventing itself. What could possibly go wrong!? The State is deciding its own structure, powers of authority, mandates, terms of reference and definitions. "Starting with a blank page"? Of course! Why not? Why be constrained by laws, Codes of Ethics & Conduct and conventions of the Public Sector?
It also appears to follow much along the lines of "The Voice"... "Family Matters" are only for the ATSI community, it seems.
Chair of the South Australian Child Protection Expert Group
Now which are the NGO's that will traffick (um, err, I mean, support) the kids stolen from their families? The usual culprits which will profiteer from the misery generated. Call me cynical but I suspect the same players are already buying into the WEF/UN "Social Impact Bond", so don't be surprised if there isn't a direct link somewhere along the line.
And what do you do to celebrate the capture of more ground to "THE STATE"? You reward yourself by handing out Awards to those who helped you along the journey of course! (Yes, I know, I can't help but be cynical...)
Please start doing your own research... This is only what I can glean in a few short hours but I am pressed for time....
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