QLD CORONIAL INVESTIGATION - Heather Rae Barlow (dec'd) following 3 COVID jabs
Shared with Permission
For background information, this matter involves a QLD Coronial investigation over the 'health care related' reportable sudden death, at home, on 3.5.2023 of 68 yr. of Heather Barlow (following 2 x AZ and 1 Pfizer). Heather suffered 2 years (May 2021-May 2023) of jab adverse reactions e.g. blackouts, sweating, hypertension, headaches, muscular pain, sleeplessness, fatigue, vomiting, tachycardia and cardiac arrest etc. and she was denied proper medical treatment, with no investigative scans. Heather was refused a D-Dimer test and not given any referral to specialists or to a Cardiologist. See TAG DAEN 775260 (self-reported on 23.5.2023, with list of 33 medical reactions).
It is also a legal matter, as Terri Addison (daughter to Heather) is a Claimant with Dr McCann's COVID vax class action and there's a need for prosecutions for medical negligence as Prof. Ian Brighthope and Dr. Gerry Brady both provided Terri and myself, valued medical input in the attached letter to the QLD State Coroner. Ian also advised us to include a statement about informed consent i.e. Terri's mum, Heather [and Terri's stepdad] "where NOT given full, informed and meaningful legal valid consent to receiving the clinical trial experimental COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ " (pg. 4 letter).
In addition, there is a possible legal case for "obstruction of justice". The legally requested autopsy protocol - Histopathology for stained specimens for both the spike protein and Viral Nucleocapsid (information kindly provided by Dr. Paul Oosterhuis and with clinical details supplied in videos by German Prof. Arne Burkhardt - dec'd and Dr John Campbell, UK) was NOT undertaken by the QLD Health, Forensic Pathologist, Dr. Christopher Day during his preliminary examination (autopsy) on 10.5.23. Hence there is significant legal evidence provided here for prosecutions.
This whole matter is to ensure the correct and truthful cause of death (by jabs) of Heather Barlow in a QLD Coronial Investigation, to prosecute medical professionals for their negligence in not providing proper treatment and to help create greater awareness for the general public about the widespread jab injuries and deaths, medical professional failings, plus the need to share the publicly-available documented "Summary of safety concerns" as listed in the EMA assessment reports about the COVID jabs(2021), as this is all in the 'public interest' and a 'matter of public importance'.
Terri Addison has said to me that she will try and contact Graham Hood and I will call Michael Griffith of Cafe Locked Out (CLO) and Senator Malcolm Roberts, plus Channel 7, 9 and Sky News for hopeful interest in interviewing Terri and the reporting of the wealth of evidence provided.
May I kindly ask you to set aside some quality and quantity time for reading this email thread and the 3 important pdf attachments which have had direct input from Prof. Ian Brighthope and Dr Gerry Brady and will hopefully be given support from Dr. Aseem Malholtra.
I suggest starting from the end email in this thread at 3.7.2023 @ 5pm sent from Terri Addison (QLD) to the QLD State Coroner and then work your way upwards. We hope the email correspondence plus 3 attachments, will be useful in the coronial investigation and for legal matters.
Thank you for your valued time, hopeful interest and any support with sharing and prayer.
Kind Regards,
Sharon Cousins,
Independent Researcher,
Wollongong NSW
From: CCQNCF1 <[email protected]>
Date: 4/7/23 9:16 am (GMT+10:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: URGENT: 2023/2080 Coronial Investigation of Heather Rae Barlow (dec'd 3.5.2023)
Good morning Ms Addison,
Thank you for the below email, as well as the attachments included.
These have been passed onto both Coronial Nurse Anita and the Coronial Registrar.
Yours Sincerely,
A/Coronial Services Officer
Coroners Court of Queensland
Department of Justice and Attorney-General
Level 3, Brisbane Magistrates Court Building, 363 George Street, Brisbane Qld 4001
P: 07 3738 7060 W: https://www.courts.qld.gov.au/courts/coroners-court
From: Terri Addison
Sent: Monday, 3 July 2023 5:18 PM
To: Sharon Cousins
Subject: Fw: URGENT: 2023/2080 Coronial Investigation of Heather Rae Barlow (dec'd 3.5.2023)
Hi Sharon,
Please find below an email I just sent at 5pm today with 3 attachments to the QLD state Corner and cc to four named individuals.
As agreed, I give full permission for you to share my letter, the TGA DAEN summary report 775260 and comprehensive report to any of your relevant contacts including to the news channels and other Independant media, such as Cafe Locked Out, CMN News, The Light Australia paper and other affiliated organisations and social media. - https://t.me/SouthAustraliaInFocus/3110
I thank you for your time, help and support throughout this difficult journey.
I will keep you informed of any developments with the Coronal investigation.
Please keep me updated as and when.
Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
Kind Regards Terri
Bless you!!
From: Terri Addison
Sent: Monday, 3 July 2023 5:00 PM
To: Coroner State <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; Davies.NeilR[NCREGN] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>
Subject: URGENT: 2023/2080 Coronial Investigation of Heather Rae Barlow (dec'd 3.5.2023)
FAO: Anita Russell (Coronial Clinical Nurse Consultant, Forensic Pathology, Forensic and Scientific Services, QLD Health)
Dear Anita,
Further to recent email correspondence, phone calls and texts regarding the sudden reportable health care related death of my mother, Heather Rae Barlow on 3.5.2023 (exactly 2 months ago), please find attached: - https://t.me/SouthAustraliaInFocus/3110
4-page PDF letter from me, Terri Addison, needing a CRITICAL RESPONSE, (addressed to Anita Russell) but to be forwarded with this 3.7.2023 email and 3 PDF attachments to the 4 named government personnel, shown on page 4 of the letter.
7-page PDF TGA Adverse Event Report (Summary) case 775260 which was entered online (self-reported by myself, Terri Addison) onto the TGA DAEN on 23.5.2023, showing 33 medical reactions and the 2 doses of AstraZeneca and one dose of Pfizer (Comirnaty) with batch numbers plus other medications listed and an account of my Mum's medical pain, suffering and sudden death at home; following these trial experimental global jabs and the lack of proper medical treatment. Please note "Tachycardia" and "Cardiac arrest" are to be added to the list by the TGA = 35 medical reactions.
A 36-page REPORT PDF (see contents list on page 1) with images and links for EVIDENCE. This report includes my Mum's blood, liver, thyroid, ECG tests, BP/ Pulse home readings, input from Prof. Ian Brighthope (cc'd) for expertise and comments on vital role of Histopathology in autopsy investigations, my comprehensive testimony of Mum's adverse reactions and death following the jabs, documented on Jab Injuries Australia post 24.5.2023, QLD Coroners Act 2003 - relevant legal sections and IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (pages 27-36), notably the identified and documented summary of safety concerns of the AstraZeneca and Pfizer in EMA Assessment Reports early 2021 (publicly available), various TV news items of adverse reactions from jabs (a matter of high public interest), Laura Jeffery (Canadian Funeral Director and Embalmer - live and recorded NCI and Rumble video testimony with photos of specimens from jabbed deceased people), ABS death data showing increased number of deaths in Australia and current TGA DAEN jab data showing total 138,788 cases with 994 deaths reported including 9 children aged 5 to 17 and my mother, showing her case no. 775260 with age 66 (when she first encountered adverse reactions in 2021, but Mum died at age of 68, in 2023).
Please note if you calculate 2 years from when Mum (Heather Barlow) was first jabbed with the AstraZeneca on 10.5.2021, then this is the equivalent of over 17,000 hours that Mum suffered from May 2021 to May 2023; before she died suddenly on 3.5.2023. My mother is in the State Coroner's morgue i.e. 2 months now and I am still awaiting the requested autopsy information and specimens, as per my text 10.5.2023 and email/ mailed letter 21.5.2023, which is my legal entitlement under the QLD Coroners Act 2003.
My letter attached is just under 3,000 words (4 pages with images) and would take someone about 20 minutes to read, plus the scrolling time through attachments no. 2 TGA report 775260 and no. 3 REPORT. How much time is my mother worth compared to over 17,000 hours she suffered in pain and agony over 2 years?
As you can see, I have cc'd this email to N R Barbi Solicitor (as I am a Claimant in a national COVID-19 vax class action), plus Terry Young Federal MP, Neil Davies (Police Detective, Petrie Police Station - to reopen the case) and Prof. Ian Brighthope, B. BS., Dip.Ag.Sci., FACNEM (Fellow of Australasian College Nutritional Environmental Medicine) and Founder, World of Wellness International.
Please kindly spend quality and quantity time in reading the important 3 emailed attachments, as they form part of the Coronial investigation, police investigation and legal prosecutions for medical negligence which led to the pain, suffering, injuries and sudden death of Heather Rae Barlow (my Mum).
I now await your URGENT acknowledgement and receipt of this email and 3 attachments and that a critical response is undertaken with regards the 5 points of action required, as listed on page 4 of my attached letter.
Links - https://t.me/SouthAustraliaInFocus/3110
Terri Addison (Miss)