Links to all of John's documents mentioned in this letter -
Office of the Industry Complaints Commissioner
GPO Box 2005
Canberra ACT 2601
21st November 2022
Dear John Hampton,
Thank you for taking my phone call and explaining that your role as Commissioner is NOT independent of CASA.
I am writing to you as a last resort because neither CASA, its Board, Officials, nor the Minister for Transport Catherine King M.P. addressed or replied to emails outlining my SERIOUS concerns that can affect the safety of the travelling public and those under the flight path of any aircraft.
Your website lists the following reason for complaints
Common complaints
The most common complaints we review are about:
service delays in CASA’s assessment of regulatory tasks
licence privileges
medical certificate assessments and conditions imposed
the conduct or behaviour of CASA staff
whether CASA has correctly applied the law or policy.
My complaint is in regard to ALL of the above with the exception of licence privileges.
CASA Deputy PMO. Dr Hochberg cites ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation, TGA, as well as ATAGI - the doctor was trying to abrogate CASA responsibility by making the claim that these organisations have AeroMedical Authority over pilot health and passengers' safety - THEY DO NOT.
The TGA, ATAGI and the Western Australia Health Dept have all admitted that there is a chance of Myocarditis and pericarditis from the so-called Vaccination. Which has been proven to neither stop transmission or contraction of the disease. They have all recommended that anyone under 40 SHOULD NOT get the 4th Booster. Why are they admitting it is causing massive adverse reactions and deaths?
Just look at the all-cause mortality since the Jab was implemented. It has risen 17.8%. That is the equivalent of a Jumbo crashing every week killing everyone on board. Where is the investigation into that??
As you are fully aware CASA is responsible to ensure that it Complies with ALL of the Legislation that affects its operation and the operation of Pilots.
I have attached numerous emails I have sent to CASA (with no response) and to the Minister of Transport Catherine King M.P. requesting her to do her job and ensure CASA is obeying its own legislation.
The first email to CASA is titled Original email to CASA. In interviews with Lt Col Dr Theresa Long, (Flight Surgeon and Medical Examiner for the USAF) Lt Col Dr Peter Chambers (Flight Surgeon and Medical Examiner for the Army SAS (Green Berets), Attorney Todd Callender and Medical Doctor Lee Vliet who has treated many adverse effects from the EXPERIMENTAL MEDICAL TREATMENT. It is well worth watching those two videos as REAL experts pass judgement on CASA and Dr Kate Manderson.
In that email, I listed the serious concerns I have over Dr Kate Manderson’s blatant ignorance of the effects of Myocarditis Pericarditis and Blood Clots.
I have attached (a non-exhaustive) list of CASA’s failure to obey its own regulations.
That list is titled CASA Legislation being ignored. The section is listed with a QR code directing you to the actual legislation they are failing to comply with. These failures could lead to catastrophic aircraft accidents.
Here is Dr Manderson’s response to a question asked by a Pilot of an Airline, after both his children had SERIOUS adverse effects from the experimental medical treatment. Both children, a boy and a girl developed Myocarditis shortly after receiving the Jab.
World expert Medical Examiners from the USA Defence Force, all said she is totally wrong and that what she stated is a LIE.
The USA used to have a condition 67.15 that no NEW medical treatment could be applied to Pilots until after 1 year of public use. They have recently modified that so if any adverse events occur the pilot cannot fly for TWO YEARS.
The W.H.O. actually changed the definition of Vaccine because they knew that the mRNA so-called vaccine wasn't working as a "regular" vaccine works.
CASA is the final authority for medical evaluation and safety of flight as per the Civil Aviation Act. TGA does NOT evaluate drugs with aero-medical considerations. ICAO has No jurisdiction in Australia, None whatsoever. This responsibility lies squarely with the PMO Kate Manderson and CASA CEO, Pip Spence.
IF CASA was fulfilling its remit of being proactive they would now be conducting Screening of ALL aircrew with Class 1 (commercial) to Class 3 (private) medical flight certificates.
Those tests MUST include the following
1. Gadolinium MRI Scan of Heart,
2. MRI Scan of the Brain with Contrast,
3. Resting ECG plus Stress Echocardiography (post-exercise ECG and Cardiac Ultrasound)
These tests should ideally be done twice over the period on each participant (e.g. over 2 - 3 months)
This is the minimum required to ensure The travelling public's safety.
My second email to Catherine King on the 4th of August titled letter to Catherine King MP
I have now emailed the Minister for Transport 3 times and apart from one flippant response NOT FROM THE MINISTER stating they don't impose Mandates, the response totally ignored the main concerns.
That response is attached titled reply from minister’s office signed letter.
See my last email entitled Email to CASA NOW YOU ARE MINISTER
I trust you will take this complaint VERY seriously as the Lives of Pilots, the travelling public AND those on the ground under the flight path are at serious risk. Captain Rob Snow died six minutes after landing at Fort Worth. Imagine if he had died 8 minutes earlier. The co-pilot would NOT have had time to recover control and the plane would have crashed into a heavily populated area with possibly thousands of deaths...These are the consequences of letting Pilots fly who have not been thoroughly tested for adverse events from the jab.
Since all these ignorant Mandates were imposed on all people of the world without any Short-term or Long-term effects data it has been proven the Jab DOES NOT stop transmission or infection of Covid. The latest statistics show that over 80% of people in ICU are triple jabbed. Pfizer even admitted that they never tested for transmission effects. Yet all the ignorant medical professionals said to get the jab to protect your grandmother. A total fear campaign to ensure compliance.
CASA is bound by several pieces of legislation all of which very specifically relate to the cardiovascular system.
It is well known that many pilots around the world have suffered serious adverse events whilst in charge of an aircraft.
A couple of extracts from the attachment below are labelled CASA Legislation being ignored for a more comprehensive list.
Section 3A of the Civil Aviation Act 1988 (CAA)
Main object of this Act
The main object of this Act is to establish a regulatory framework for maintaining, enhancing and promoting the safety of civil aviation,
with particular emphasis on preventing aviation accidents and incidents.
Abnormalities, disabilities and functional capacity
Has no safety-relevant condition of any of the following kinds that produce any degree of functional incapacity or a risk of incapacitation:
(a) an abnormality;
(b) a disability or disease (active or latent);
(c) an injury;
(d) a sequela of an accident or a surgical operation
Cardiovascular system
1.9 Has no safety-relevant heart abnormality
1.11 Has no significant functional or structural abnormality of the circulatory tree
Read the attachment headed Pilots in the Media . Pilots all around the world experience these adverse events. And the list is growing daily
It is a small list of some of the reported adverse events suffered by Vaccinated pilots whilst in control of commercial aircraft.
Pfizer’s own report is attached and labelled.
Pfizer's 5.3.6-postmarketing-experience True Fatality Rates which Pfizer fought hard in the courts to keep hidden for 75 years. The report was compiled on 28th Feb 2021.
Table 1 on page 7 Shows that out of 42086 involved in the study 1223 DIED and over 30,000 had adverse reactions. And the TGA and the Governments have the Gall to state it is safe and effective.
And to prove that Pfizer lied and the Governments and medical authorities mislead dramatically the public, go down to page 30 of this report titled.
There are NINE pages of close-typed contra-indications of just about every disease known to MAN:
Including Seizure; Seizure anoxic; Seizure cluster; Seizure like phenomena; Seizure prophylaxis Spinal artery thrombosis; Splenic artery thrombosis Renal artery thrombosis; Renal embolism; Renal failure; Renal vascular thrombosis; Renal vasculitis; Renal vein embolism; Pulmonary artery thrombosis;Pulmonary embolism; Pulmonary fibrosis; Pulmonary haemorrhage; Pericarditis; Pericarditis lupus;
All these are highly problematic for especially pilots and CASA is ignoring these conditions.
And the Govt and Ignorant medical officials are still stating it is safe and effective. They should all be charged with Treason in my opinion.
I would appreciate it if my complaints are thoroughly investigated and the ENTIRE CASA board is removed along with the officials running the Dept., also the Minister for Transport is removed from her portfolio. I am not asking for much as NO-ONE mentioned is capable of performing their duties correctly. Especially Kate Manderson for her total incompetence in handling the series of vaccination's side effects.
The one real concern is that the ICC commissioner actually is part of CASA so how can this inquiry be totally independent?
ONE VERY STRONG SUGGESTION to help overcome this draconian and life-threatening mandate is to LEGISLATE that ONE un-vaccinated Pilot MUST be on the flight deck at all times and ONLY the Unvaccinated Pilot be in charge of take-offs and landings
Please take the time to go through all the attachments.
Sometimes the links in emails disappear so here are the links contained in the first email to CASA . The comments are from USA Aviation Medical Experts with MANY years of experience involved in the zoom meeting on Kate Manderson's findings. watch from 19:49sec with Dr Manderson video and then watch the reaction from the world experts wat h from 3:42secs on the data analysed by a very experienced data analysist
The Human Rights Agreements that Australia is a signatory to are also attached to this email. These have all been totally ignored by all those pushing the unlawful mandates.
This email and all the attachments will be Forwarded as a registered letter so you can't deny receipt of same.
Please read the page in the attachments titled NSW JAB DATA to show that those who are multi Jabbed represent a much higher attendance at the hospital than the unjabbed. Just proves the unjabbed are far safer and more resilient to disease as the jabbed DESTROYS the innate immune system.
And just to enlighten you about the people I have worked with over the past 2 years, in this dangerous unlicensed medical procedure, please click on this link
and as a final indication of how the vaccine prevents hospitalisation look at the graph titled NSW JAB DATA. The green lines represent those that have received 4 Jabs and are filling the hospitals.
As stated in our phone conversation I will mail you a hard copy of everything in this email.
John Huntley