Has the Mayor of Salisbury Council, South Australia dealt with genuine concerns raised by Councillors and residents regarding SMART Cities Technologies?
For context
Mr John Harry, Chief Executive Officer
Via Email: [email protected]
Dear Mr Harry
As a rate payer and citizen of Salisbury, I wish to complain about gross misconduct by the Mayor, Gillian Aldridge.
Mayor Aldridge has brought the Council into disrepute by making a series of outrageous comments in the media and making false claims about Councillor Severina Burner and Councillor Grace Bawden.
More recently, on The Project, Mayor Aldridge pretends to give Crs Bawden and Burner respect but her conduct has been the exact opposite.
Mayor Aldridge claims to have given Burner and Bawden "respect and a fair go" ... "and still are", whilst seeking to impose penalties on them for speaking out against issues of enormous concern to their constituents, including myself.
The fact is that the Mayor has mounted a vicious campaign against both Councillors to silence her misperceived opposition and dissenting voices in the community by using the slur of "conspiracy theorist" to dismiss the collective and legitimate concerns of residents such as myself.
The Mayor has refused to provide us, the concerned citizens of this Council region, proper assurances that she will not abuse her powers and, further, that other future Councillors and Mayors will not abuse theirs by misusing SMART Technologies.
The Mayor's bullying behaviour is best highlighted by a Motion demanding Cr Burner apologises to the Mayor of Onkaparinga, whilst Council ironically passed a Motion pretending to acknowledge the right to peaceful protest and assembly.
It is a FACT that no one has been assaulted, charged or spoken to as a result of any event or alleged public misconduct at Onkaparinga. The claims by the Mayor of Onkaparinga are entirely manufactured and this is captured well in footage readily available on the internet.
Nor is there any footage to show that Cr Burner was not peaceful or that she was allegedly inciting any unrest whilst present to witness the proceedings from which the public was barred. By allowing this Motion to stand to vote, the Mayor has publicly defamed Cr Burner with the innuendo and lie that she had:
Not attended a peaceful event
Organised the gathering at Onkaparinga
Incited unrest &/or threat to the Mayor of Onkaparinga
Not participated peacefully at the gathering.
I was with Cr Burner on the night and I had invited her to observe the Council proceedings as an insight into Council procedures. I was tired and was disinclined to drive that night but Cr Burner was happy for us to spend time and drive instead.
Cr Burner was late getting into the premises as she couldn't find a car park and by the time she had arrived, most of the vocal protest from the public, demanding the Mayor turn up the volume on the television screen, had settled. The Mayor of Onkaparinga deliberately incited the public to action simply in order to exercise their right to civic participation and Council transparency.
I can confidently say that Cr Burner will be found in no footage displaying any behaviour (by words or actions) for which she should be bullied by Mayor Aldridge into apologizing.
That Mayor Aldridge can actively incite this kind of misconduct by other Councillors by way of a formal Motion naming Cr Burner, demonstrates a two-faced approach to respecting and enforcing the right of peaceful protest and assembly.
Furthermore, Mayor Aldridge adopted the same dishonest tactics against "protestors" in Salisbury by demanding ratepayers sign in, declare their names, addresses and subject themselves to being photographed in violation of their right to free, easy and unfettered access to their own public facility and to engage in civic participation, without surveillance or obstruction of their right to access.
Additionally, on The Project, Mayor Aldridge had falsely claimed that the Councillors had called other Councillors "Nazis" and "corrupt". I have scoured social media posts and am confident to say THIS NEVER HAPPENED and I am assured by Cr Bawden and Burner that THIS NEVER HAPPENED in public or in private.
As such, Mayor Aldridge has breached the following principles in the Code of Conduct:
Council members must:
General behaviour
2.1 Show commitment and discharge duties conscientiously.
2.2 Act in a way that generates community trust and confidence in the Council.
2.3 Act in a reasonable, just, respectful and non-discriminatory way when dealing with people.
2.4 Show respect for others if making comments publicly.
2.5 Ensure that personal comments to the media or other public comments, on Council decisions and other matters, clearly indicate that it is a private view, and not that of the Council. Responsibilities as a member of Council
2.6 Comply with all Council policies, codes and resolutions.
2.7 Deal with information received in their capacity as Council members in a responsible manner.
2.8 Endeavour to provide accurate information to the Council and to the public at all times.
Relationship with fellow Council Members
2.9 Endeavour to establish and maintain a respectful relationship with all Council members, regardless of differences of views and opinions.
2.10 Not bully or harass other Council members.
The Mayor has acted in a deliberate attempt to deny the right of Crs Bawden and Burner to represent their constituents, subjecting them to public ridicule and harassment for no more than having an opposing view to SMART technologies and how best to protect their constituents from the risk of human right abuses which these technologies present, without vigorous policies and procedures to prevent such abuses.
Yours Faithfully
Matilda Bawden