South Australia’s Declaration of a Climate Emergency. (DCE)
From: erich.neug <[email protected]>
To: [email protected], [email protected]
CC: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Simon Rothwell<[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Roberts, Malcolm (Senator)<[email protected]>, Rennick, Gerard (Senator)<[email protected]>, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Date: Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 14:15Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 14:15
South Australia’s Declaration of a Climate Emergency. (DCE)
To: Peter Malinauskas, acting as Premier of South Australia - [email protected]
Susan Elizabeth Close, acting as Minister for Climate – [email protected]
Dear Peter and Susan,
I am writing to you today to pose some questions in relation to the South Australian Labor Government’s Declaration of a Climate Emergency (DCE) in June of 2022, Tweeted here.
As with all my correspondence, this one is also publicly available.
Before I pose my questions, I have to say, enduring the last 3 years of the emergency declared because of the virus known as COVID-19, I find it extremely worrying when Australian Governments declare emergencies, regardless which political party is enacting said emergency, and you should know, I’ve written about it extensively to you and many others here.
The other concern of mine and many other South Australian’s whom I am in contact with, is that you and your cohort believe the science is settled regarding the climate change debate, when in fact it is far from it. You, your cohort, and advisors continue to push your position of a catastrophic climate emergency, and sell it as a forgone conclusion, when in fact many are challenging this position.
As of the date of this letter, there are currently 1410 signatories to a World Climate declaration – There is no Climate Emergency by Climate Intelligence (CLINTEL). There is also a lot of demonising of CO2, and I draw your attention to a Quiz by the CO2 Coalition which might surprise you. Another very strong voice is Tony Heller at Real Climate Science, as well as Australia’s Ian Plimer, to name just a few.
I suspect that the majority of South Australian’s have not been made aware of alternative voices, and that is likely due to the coordinated censoring and suppression of these dissenting voices, much like what has happened during COVID-19, which I wrote about and copied you in on as well.
I myself became more acutely aware of the high level push towards renewables and a declaration of a climate emergency by globalist entities who are pursuing centralised control and governance over the worlds population while I was researching for a recent article about proposed windfarms of the coast of Kingston South Australia.
Many people are now also aware that these same globalist entities who have organised COP27 and DAVOS (Although with some hypocrisy and here) are behind the push for the WHO Pandemic Treaty, as well as adopting Smart Cities Technologies, which South Australia is also embracing, all of which is concerning many South Australians whom I am in contact with.
As you would know, and I note in the above article, there are 16 councils already singing in harmony with the state to declare a climate emergency and embrace a Climate Change Response and Adaptation plan such as in my own council area. This push appears to be part of the UN’s Sustainability Goals, embraced by the now familiar WEF, ECLEI, our own State, and SA LGA.
It is mentioned in the media release that “Minister Close last year tabled a petition with more than 10,000 signatures from South Australians demanding immediate action on climate change.”
That’s only 0.59% of the 1.7 million South Australian population who thought that Climate Change was a serious enough issue to warrant signing a petition to declare a climate emergency.
A similar result became evident when the City of Onkaparinga sought feedback in surveys for proposed goals and for council-led action on renewables among other things, and had 1,700 responses out of a population of 177,000 (0.96%). One would think that if South Australian’s believed there was an actual Climate Emergency, the results of surveys and polls would be substantially higher than those percentages.
So, now I pose these very important questions to you both for myself and on behalf of many others concerned about the overreach implications resulting from the DCE:
1. Was the push to declare a climate emergency a result of a substantial number of South Australian’s urging action on climate change or was it driven primarily by Global stakeholders mentioned above as well as with those already captured by climate change action groups?
2. Will the DCE lead the South Australian Government, the LGA and councils to push for mandatory “15 minute cities” which have been adopted and planned in Oxfordshire/Paris/Madrid/Milan/Ottawa/Seattle, and Melbourne, all under the guise of a Climate Change Emergency?
3. Will the DCE lead the South Australian Government, the LGA and councils to push for mandatory Smart Electricity Meters which have many concerned about more and more control from energy regulators.
4. Will the DCE lead the South Australian Government, the LGA and councils to push for mandatory Smart Water Meters which also has potential for more control over consumer usage?
5. Will the DCE lead the South Australian Government, the LGA and councils to push for mandatory driving limits for non-electric vehicles, thus restricting regional residents (Who are not part of 15-minute cities) from visiting friends and relatives in other townships?
6. Will the DCE lead the South Australian Government to put machinations in place to force “climigration” and coax people out of small communities into bigger towns and cities by claiming small communities are in danger or no longer viable under a Climate Emergency?
7. Will the DCE lead the South Australian Government, the LGA and councils to push for mandatory conversion of current older vehicles or replacing older manufactured vehicles to full electric vehicle?
8. Will the DCE lead the South Australian Government, the LGA and councils to push for mandatory installations of solar panels and battery storage units when many families are unable to afford this?
9. Will the DCE lead the South Australian Government to mandate citizens to track their individual Carbon footprint which has the potential to lead to a social credit system, seeing the technology is in the process of being made available to Australians?
10. Will the DCE lead the South Australian Government to restrict individual consumption and travel if someone has exceeded a predetermined carbon allowance as suggested by some?
11. Will the DCE lead the South Australian Government to enforce dietary regulations on the South Australian community under the guise of the Climate Emergency?
12. Will the DCE lead the South Australian Government, the LGA and councils to push for a ban on Natural Gas as in some jurisdictions? Will this see an end to the Aussie BBQ?
You see Peter and Susan, the more sinister aspect of what we’ve experienced over the past 3 years under the guise of a health emergency, is, that it is not too far fetched for concerned South Australians to imagine that under the declaration of a climate emergency an authoritarian South Australian Government could turn on and off the tap to many of the things we freely have access to now, such as:
· Access to our own money via a CBDC, SMART Cities Technology and for exceeding Carbon allowances
· Access to our utilities with SMART Meter technologies
· Access to Natural gas for our stoves, heating, and BBQ’s
· Access to own vehicle long distance travel via checkpoints, SMART Cities technologies, lockout systems to the electronics in our vehicles.
· Access to the communities we choose to live in.
· Access to meat and dairy products, etc.
You, your government, its bureaucrats, the captured mainstream and social media, and other captured or hoodwinked commentators may well continue the rhetoric of labelling all those who are concerned about and pushing back on local, state, federal government and regulatory overreach as tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists, nut jobs, cookers, and spreaders of misinformation.
BUT the tide is turning, and many South Australians have awakened and are collaborating to hold local, state, federal government and regulatory agencies to account for public policy over reach, and as long as Elon Musk works to continue to make Twitter an open and transparent free speech platform, and publications like the Epoch Times and the Spectator grow in reach, this will continue.
However I’m sure the cohort behind the Climate Emergency push will work very hard to get this under control with legislative powers, and help from global partners who own the science, it’s not as if they haven’t had time to plan for these type of things in detail.
I guess in closing, I should ask one final question to add to the ones above:
13. Are any individuals in the South Australian local, state, and federal government, LGA and other regulatory bodies captured by Globalist interests in pushing the Climate Emergency narrative?
Not just me, but many South Australian’s look forward to answers to those questions.
Mark Neugebauer
South Australian concerned about public policy overreach.
21st January 2023
Mark Neugebauer is a South Australian resident concerned about seen and unseen globalist individuals and organisations who seek to influence all aspects of our lives which could ultimately lead to the degradation of our inalienable human rights.
Mark Neugebauer has not received any direct funding from any individual or organisation mentioned in this article, however this does not prevent those mentioned becoming a supporter of this platform.
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