City of Salisbury is moving rapidly in the direction of Smart cities such as that demonstrated recently by the City of Unley and City of Adelaide.
Contibution from: Matilda Bawden (B.A.;B.Soc. Admin.)
We are deeply concerned by what appears to be an ambush of residents with the allegedly “unforeseen” introduction of Smart City technologies in the upcoming Council Agenda, specifically Item GB9 for the “John/Church St Project”.
However, this was in fact not “unforeseen” as it was included in the City of Salisbury Partnership Projects 2022, booklet, published in January of 2022.
Accordingly, Council clearly has had knowledge and intention of Smart Cities for at least the last 12 months, however, it now seeks to wedge Smart Cities as a rather coincidental, if not surreptitious “add on”, banking on the ignorance of unsuspecting residents and ratepayers to raise any alarms or questions.
In Council's current Agenda for Monday 19/12/22, Items 4.4-4.11 at Page 93, "Smart Components" makes it clear that there is $190,000 being spent on these technologies as allegedly previously “unforeseen”. However, Council will be leasing these technologies according to the Agenda of 28/11/22, with an ongoing cost to ratepayers but no assurance of privacy, security or individual safety in the event that this information and data is sold, traded or misused.
Further, the Agenda suggests that the “Smart City commissioning approach is required…”.
By WHOM is this Smart City technology “required” and who (by name and title) is proposing the push for these technologies? Why are resident not being informed or given opportunity for further debate? Why is the City of Salisbury disinterested in safeguarding the civil liberties and privacy of residents?
We are concerned that City of Salisbury residents have not been informed of Council's intentions or been afforded the transparency promised by Council on critical matters of personal privacy and security.
The rise of the digital surveillance state should concern every citizen of the City of Salisbury.
By way of example, the City of Unley in Heywood Park has implemented a digital touch screen billboard, which displays a range of information including:
- Local history
- Events
- Construction and Public alerts
- Public transport information
- Park features and
- Smart City.
The Smart City icon featured on the touch screen, takes residents to other features such as :
- Amenities monitoring
- Environmental and noise monitoring
- People Counting
- BBQ usage
- EV charger usage
- Energy and water consumption
- Smart parking
- Mini ninja course
- Report fault
This electronic billboard demonstrates the capability of Unley's Smart City to track, monitor and surveil private citizens in public spaces in the course of ordinary family and civic activities, such as using public toilets, BBQ facilities and even sitting at park benches.
This digital surveillance state is being rolled out at break-neck speed across South Australia, even against the tide of public opinion, as witnessed during City of Adelaide’s rollout of Facial Recognition camera technologies through CCTV cameras.
The Smart City can identify, track, trace and monitor anyone with a mobile phone with Geofencing capabilities to surveil every movement of every person.
The aim of these technologies is also to dragnet every citizen in this state into Digital ID and Social Credit systems.
Smart City technologies are being rolled out in anticipation of Climate Lockdowns already planned for some regions, in aid of "decarbonisation" and "Net Zero" targets.
But the alarm bells don’t stop there. The information being gathered on citizens by these technologies will be sold and traded between governments and corporations (often international corporations out of the reach of the scrutiny or control of ordinary citizens).
Big Tech companies will on-sell this data, whilst every citizen and their information will be the product being traded.
What is particularly disturbing is that the information being gathered, shared and traded won’t only relate to, say, criminals, anti-social behaviours or trespassers.
Now, who/what else is involved in the Smart City capability? LoRaWan (Long Range Wide Area Network).
LoRaWan is part of the LoRa Alliance which boasts "the global association backing the open LoRaWAN standard for Internet of Things (IoT)". It's technologies are being used in China, which is currently under a Social Credit system.
This is only a sliver of the information we have had time to research, but rest assured this is not all residents do not know about the Smart City roll out by Local Governments. What else do they not know? What else is being suppressed, hidden or "snuck in" by the back door?