NO, clearly, we have not learnt from history and the same players are at the game.
The recent release of the Real Anthony Fauci book and documentary are a testament to that, and I thank people like Robert F Kennedy Jnr for being at the tip of the spear in this fight to expose the culprits. -
What the last 3 years have taught me is that I was ignorant and naive to the world around me and the big power brokers who have been lurking in the shadows for a very long time.
I will work with any South Australian who like me wants to see an end to globalist agendas and controls over our lives in health care, how we use money, what we eat, how we power our homes, what we teach our children, and will continue to push back on digital surveillance, central bank digital currencies, social credit systems, control of our weather and energy, just to name a few.
I was never opposed to vaccines or the vaccination regime of our children, but one thing is for sure, I am now, and on top of this my trust in the medical establishment has been destroyed, and a small part of me believes that the undermining of mine and I suspect many other Australians trust in medicine, pharmaceuticals and science has been intentional.
One thing is for sure, I will continue to fight for my family and stand shoulder to shoulder with other likeminded South Australians against the globalisation of our healthcare and those wanting to control pandemic responses
I will call out organisation like the WHO, WEF, UN, etc, and their individual puppet masters like
Klaus Schwab,
Noah Yuval Harari, Bill Gates
I wonder if Dr Mendelsohn
from the Phil Donahue clip would have spoken out about COVID-19 like so many other courageous Doctors around the world including our own Australian Doctors who are part of AMPS -
Have we learnt anything from History?
The fiasco of the 1976 ‘swine flu affair’ -
"The swine flu affair of 1976 holds many lessons for today, says Imperato, and there’s wisdom in the aphorism that those who ignore the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it.
Scientists, however, are human too. Today, it’s easy to see gaps in the scientific evidence of 1976, such as the belief that the virus mirrored the 1918 outbreak or that a pandemic was due. But the scientists of the time could not, so faced with uncertainty, they made conclusions influenced by belief, instinct or fear. The same must almost certainly be true today. The science of viruses in 2020 may be far more sophisticated, but the science of Sars-Cov-2, the virus that causes the disease Covid-19, remains incomplete. According to Fineberg, the swine flu affair was characterised by “overconfidence in theory spun from meagre evidence”. There was also a kind of “hero” effect at play, says Fineberg, where the fear of disaster led to an immovable zeal.
So, when politicians in the present day talk of “the science” as if it is a complete body of knowledge, a manual for what to do, it neglects the uncertainty of evidence and ignores that science is a human endeavour."
Pandemrix: The scandal-ridden vaccine that did not work -
"The British government has now finally decided to accept to pay damages to victims of adverse effects, who are often struck by the autoimmune disorder narcolepsy, which manifest its self by sudden sleep attacks. Approximately 6 million Brits received the vaccine called Pandemrix during 2009, the vaccine was supposed to work against influenza H1N1, but rather than working against the flu, the vaccine gave an increased risk of developing narcolepsy. Especially among young people the risk greatly increased. The law firm Hodge, Jones and Allen says that the damages could amount to 1 million pound per case – and to this date approximately 100 Brits has sought compensation. The government are now secretly starting to pay these damages."
DWP loses five-year legal battle over swine flu vaccine injury payments -
"The Government lost a five-year legal battle on Thursday after the Court of Appeal ruled against it in a test case of a seven-year old boy who developed narcolepsy after having the Pandemrix swine flu vaccination in 2009.
The judgment was handed down following the battle between the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and the family of an anonymous child known as ‘John’, following his diagnosis of the incurable neurological condition and an application in 2012 to the government’s compensation scheme under the Vaccine Damage Payment Act.
The DWP had appealed against an order ordering it to pay John, now 14, £120,000 compensation. It eventually acknowledged a causal link between John’s narcolepsy and the vaccine, but the case centred on whether his disability met the 60 per cent, or “severe”, threshold necessary for someone to be entitled to statutory compensation."
We do not have to accept the future they have planned for us.